Tracked And Revalations

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"I can't track her phone anymore! It's disappeared!"
"She turned Find My iPhone off."
"Can't we track her some other way?!"
"We can actually."
Forever 21
"Cuteeeee." I posed and smiled.
"No this is way cuter, Hold on let me go change."
"Sure thing." It was quiet for a minute until we heard the announcement that they're looking for an Allison Hermann.
"Oh no, let's go!" We ran out and nearly got grabbed.
"Okay, quick thinking where the heck do we go?"
"The 1 train. Let's go! If we run we can make it there quickly."
"What is that black car?!"
"Probably my parents. Let's go!" We kept running and trying to swerve people. It was so tiring and I could feel them approaching.
"Allie, that's enough!" We picked up space and ran into the station.
"Allison Hermann." A train was approaching. I looked at Jacky and she knew what I was thinking. I ran further down the track and she stood where the metrocard part was.
"Where's Allie?"
"I told her to stop! She disappeared." She ran towards my car and we went in right before the door closed.
My Room (A Week Later)
All good things come to an end. I was home. The last place I wanted to be. Everyone treating me weird. Forcing me to go to therapy, even considering some kind of a medication. Gross.
"Go away."
"I wanted to share my cookie with you."
"I don't want any."
"But you haven't eaten in a while, you have to eat a little." Amaya cried.
"I'm not hungry."
"I'm calling Momma."
"She isn't even here."
"She is. You wouldn't even know."
"Talk to me."
"I don't want to talk. Can you get out?!"
"We're not leaving until we get this sorted out." My mom was on the left of me and my dad came to my right.
"You can talk to us about anything under the sun. You know that and you never talk to us. I want to have a real relationship with you Allison. You're my eldest daughter."
"So what?" I laid back and my parents watched as tears fell down my face.
"Why did you run away?"
"Because I did. I don't have a reason."
"No one gets up and runs away like that for no reason." Mom said.
"Yeah people do."
"Allie? Is someone hurting you?"
"Is someone bullying you?"
"Is someone making you just feel uncomfortable in general?"
"Okay, so what's the problem?"
"Calm down."
"How am I supposed to calm down?!"
Therapy With Peter and Allie (Mariska's Perspective)
"I don't want to be here."
"It's serious that you are here. We're all worried about you." 
"Allie please be cooperative." I said.
"I want to be in my bed!"
"Allison, have you been taking the medication?"
"NO I DONT NEED THAT DAMN MEDICATION." She started to cry and I tried to soothe her.
"I feel as if Allie could probably benefit more from extra counseling. Maybe meds wasn't the best approach."
"I'm not crazy, everyone thinks I'm crazy. I'm not, I swear I'm not."
"I agree, we shouldn't put her on meds." I nodded in agreement as also while rubbing Allison's back.
"Lets try to talk things out one more time? If you tell us what's up we'll back off a little."
"The nightmares are terrible. And school is terrible, you guys are terrible, running away was better then staying inside where I'd die."
"I would become soulless and sad. Well I'm already sad, my friends say that I look really sad. They try to cheer me up but it doesn't work. Food is the only thing that makes me feel happy."
"The sandwiches Allie?"
"Yes, the cheese. The delicious melting cheese, sometimes I get different types of cheese. The egg, no salt but pepper and yet it having no salt is the best thing ever. The sausage, sometimes slightly burnt. But the gods like burnt food. It's like a sacred offering to them." I was starting to get scared by the moment. I've never seen my daughter talk in this manner before.
"You want a sandwich?"
"No, not even a sandwich could fix this. I think I should talk about it."
"Okay so let's talk ladybug."
"Nightmares are sickening. They make me feel like be let someone mess with my body like that. And you know what's the worse part? I told you guys about the touching. The hitting and the slapping. But I never told anyone about the rape. I didn't even know what rape was until a short while ago. But the fact that my little child self was violated in one of the worse ways and I didn't even comprehend it. It's sad! So sad." I instantly sprung to my feet and walked over to her.
"Allison, I never knew that happened to you. I'm so sorry."
"Don't be sorry, you've never violated me before. I'm upset, very upset."
"Sweetie, let's sit down and talk more about it, trust me it will feel so much better once you let it out."
"I don't care to."
"Let her stand Rish." Peter said.
"Alright Allie, whatever makes you comfortable."
"Can you tell us what happened?"
"It was a long time ago."
"Take your time."
"I remember that it was a gloomy day. I had to stay inside. Tomorrow it'll be better my dad said in French. Duh, I believed him because he's my dad what else do you expect?! My parents went out for some groceries leaving me with my brother. As always he wanted to play one of those inappropriate games. He made me touch him and he touched me. Then he said let's play another game. I was already fed up of these games as it kind of hurt my private area, but I decided that maybe this was the last game. Why not just play? He said this wouldn't hurt, I'd barely feel it. He laid me down onto the bed and before I knew it I was filled with this stabbing pain. I wanted to cry but I was scared to. I closed my eyes and thought about the dolls in my bedroom. Before I knew it I would be able to play with them. I would be better in my own room away from him. I did get to play with those dolls, but not after he was finished which took forever. I struggled to my bedroom and just fell onto my bed. I didn't even care about the dolls anymore. The pain was intolerable, there was blood coming from inside of me. I took the underwear and I hid it. I didn't want anyone to know about it. No one was supposed to know." I had tears streaming down my face and Peter had his head in his hands.
"Is it bad to say that I still have it?" She went over to the window and it made me cry more.

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