Chapter 3 - Ditch

Start from the beginning

"What makes you said that?" his curiosity even deepens.

"It could be just a damned food exchange with someone else. Military rations taste no good!"

Izzy sighs to continue.

"The point is, we could lose more than we could earn on this mission. And it could all go to hell when something doesn't go under plan, and it usually doesn't." He further complains.

 They stop at the moment. Krey knew he had to leave before the old man start to rant again. "I should go, see you later chief..." He said, then walks away from the chopper. Izzy started tweaking on the machine again. As Vincent left, there are plenty of hours left before getting on the drop zone, now it's time to talk to Glen.

He was sitting with his comrades, talking about whatever's gonna hit them soon. As he was nearing to them, Glen saw him and stood up.

"You ready?" asked his friend

"Ready as I'll ever be..." he sighs

"Good, I just gotta good feeling we're gonna hit gold this day."

"What makes you think that? Izzy think otherwise."

"Izzy always doubted everyone in the rebellion. Just gotta have some faith you know what I mean? Their meeting was too discreet; they oughta be holding something big."

"Anything I should know when we got down there?" Krey scratched his head

"Just stick close to Izzy and follow everything I'm going to say, just remember that the load from the convoy is priority, we atleast want to know what's inside. And you might wanna make a better impression to Sam if you're going to stay with us."

"Right, get what's in the truck, stay alive, and hope to impress the boss lady. Simple enough." He smiled

"Glad to hear it, you might wanna check on the ammo bay. No harm on double checking right?"

He nods and walks away.

2 hours later...

The Kingfisher is still way above ground, with a word from the pilot himself, it was drop off for the two Aspekts. The foggy mask from the village of Ditch was really dark even it was early in the morning, to think about it how scary is the place when it is during night. The two bird later splits up to reach their individual drop points. Krey and Izzy were the first ones to be dropped on locations, somewhere far from the village, GPS equipped, they wouldn't have a problem locating each other.

The fog dissipates as they decent, both feet hits the ground; Krey and Izzy was set to go after hearing a 'Good luck' from Glen.

"See you on the other side!" Izzy tried to raise his voice for the helicopter's propeller noise was way too loud.

The fire team dusted off after dropping them to their location.

"What's the plan?" Krey asked

"We find the bell tower, that's our best vantage point for the entire village."

They started making their way to it, the more they progress further to village, the more Izzy get's his eyebrows curved. He looked fascinated about the village and how it was then before. The architecture was rather too old, made from wood and stone materials, light weight.

"I could see history written all over this place!" the old man said

"Oh yeah? What can you tell me about this place?" the younger one asked back

"Only that it's pre-liberty; Ditch at the time was very popular for its hard-assed folks and a cheap supply of ale. Back on the pre-liberty era, the Peacekeeper used this village as a trade route for their food and supplies. The people in this town were rather eager helping the Peacekeeper party, tried supported them in anyway. As they'd expect them to return the favor." He felt a question is coming up.

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