Sero Hanta × Reader: Frenemies

Start from the beginning

You let out a heafty breath of air as you hit the floor. Laughs errupted behind you as you whipped around and saw Denki highfive Sero. You grumbled and stood up and marched toward the boys which was also now comprised of Katsuki and Kirishima.

"Seriously Sero!?! WHAT THE FUCK!"

You crossed your arms and fumed toward the raven haired boy. "Seemed like a good idea at the time." You snarled and spun on your heal to the cafiteria.

You shoveled food into your mouth as you glared at Sero, him smiling and shrugging at you with a chuckle. "My ankle hurts." You said after throwing away your trash and sitting back down beside him.

"I can look at it for you." Offered Denki with a wink. Sero glared at him and pinched your ass making you yelp. "Sorry (Y/n). It was obstructing my focus." He made a quick excuse to cover his jealousy, but instantly he regretted his life choices after your dark aura began to loom over him.

"You know what else will obstruct your focus?" You said. As he began to reply, you sent a swift punch to his face.


"Huh. It seemed like a good idea at the time."

"(L/n)! Sero! My office now!" You turned to see Principal Nezu with an angry look on his face with Aizawa right beside him. You groaned and began to walk toward them with Sero watching for a moment before following you.

"Fuck me..." you said walking down to the principals office. "Gladly." Sero quickly replied. You elbowed him and glared toward him. His face was red where you had hit him and you felt bad but didn't say anything.

"(L/n), Sero, please have a seat." The principal said watching you both from the other side of his desk. "Aizawa said that you have both been causing some issues for eachother."

"We think that may some gime apart will benifit you both greatly." Aizawa added monotonously.

Your eyes widened as you realized what was about to happen. "We are putting you on restraint from one another. Meaning your seats will be moved and you cannot be physically near eachother while on campus."

"No!" Sero shot out of his seat and was in a sweat. You watched as he frantically tried to explain but Nezu had already made up his mind. "This plan will be in action for a month. If it needs more time after that then that is what will happen."

You wanted to scream and cry in protest, but instead you shoved the chair back and marched out of the room. Sero watched and heard your footsteps speed up once you left the room.

He went to follow after you but Aizawa grabbed his shoulder and shook his head.

After a few moments he went back to class after the bell only to find that you weren't there. Ochaco now sat behind Sero and he wasn't pleased. You were now on the opposite side of the room all the way in the front.

The class went by quietly and everyone could feel how tense it was, even Aizawa. Without warning you bursted into the room with a straight face and marched to your seat before plopping down and growling.

Sero watched you the rest of class, everyone noticing his stare but you.

To be honest, you were pissed and you just wanted to go to your dorm and punch a pillow. Once the bell rang, you blitzed from your seat and ran home wiping the occasional tear slipping from your eyes.

You felt awful. It was both of your faults, but you had punched eachother before and no one said anything. Why did it have to be that time? You shook your head and ran faster.

Once you arrived in the dorm you slammed your door and collapsed on your bed, screaming into the sheets.

You sat there for a moment and tried to restrain your tears when your phone began to ring. Quickly noticing it was your mom. You reluctantly answered to be met with a voice on the other end.

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