Chapter 10

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I walked in my house and down the hall. It was quiet, Too quiet. Somebody grabbed my shoulder and I turned around pulling the trigger. "Ahh fuck! That shit hurt." Khi yelled making me sigh. "Damn. You can't be creepin up on me like det." I said holding my hand out and he grabbed it. "It only skimmed you so shut up." I said before dropping the roach onto the counter and putting it out.

I muted the FaceTime before going to my gallery. "Look." I said passing him my phone and he looked at the pictures. "Who are they?" He asks scrolling. "I don't know some girls who wanted information about you." I said and he nods handing me back my phone.

"Hm more and more." He says leaning against the counter and I nod. "I don't know what you've done but you needa chill." I said walking out the kitchen and I went to my room.

"You shot your brother?" Trelly asked and I took the phone off mute. "He snuck up on me." I said pulling my hoodie off. I slid my shirt off and walked into the closet putting on some shorts and throwing my clothes in the dirty clothes hamper. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were slightly tented red. I took my hair out of its ponytail and ran my hands through it.

My nose started leaking and I rolled my eyes. My skin started to feel warm and my eyes heavy.

I walked out and to my nightstand. I opened the drawer and moved my things out the way and grabbed my medicine. I opened the bottle and grabbed two pills before downing them. I stood there for about 2 minutes before I felt my skin cool and I fell back onto the bed.

I let out a loud sigh and heard Trelly laughing through my headphones making me reach to the bottom of the bed and grab them. "Whatchu laughin at?" I ask and he laughs a little more. "You little girl." He said making me smack my teeth. "Keep bullyin me Imma hang up." I said and he smacked his teeth. "We only got like four more hours." He said and hummed. "I guess your right Dents." I said unplugging my headphones and setting my phone up on the pillow. I grabbed my strawberry milk and drink some before putting it on the nightstand and laying down.

I got comfortable and started dozing off. "You bouta take a nap Isabella?" He asked and I hummed. He turned his music down and I smiled a lil. "You ain gotta do det. I like the music." I said and he hummed turning it back up. "Hey where Pop Rocks?" I ask and he laughs. "How I'm posed to know?" He asks making me smack my teeth. "Coulda sworn that was yo girl." I mumbled snuggling into my pillow as my hair lasted across my backside.

I dozed off and soon I was asleep.

I heard somebody knocking on my door which awoke me. "Come in." I said and just as I suspected Rey walked in.

He's the only one of Khi's friends I actually get along wit. I knew it was him cause he the only one who knocks on my door. "Hey fav." I said and he walked over to the bed. "Wassup. You forgot didn't you?" He says and I scrunch my face up. "Forgot what?" I ask and he rolls his eyes jumping on the bed.

Then he looks at my phone and frowns.

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