Chapter 45

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However long later.

I groaned feeling another kick to my stomach and rolled over. "Fucking bitch." He said before storming out slamming and locking the door shut behind him. After I heard his footsteps lead off to who knows where I sighed sitting up ignoring the pain in my abdomen.

Lemme catch ya up. So I don't know how long I've been here but I know it's longer then two weeks. I get fed just enough food to get me by onto the next day, he comes down at random times and delivers me a few punches and kicks. I eat them shits. He stopped asking me about UPT and 4ktrey a long time ago. I don't get much light except the flickering lightbulb in this dingy ass room. I haven't had my medicine so I'm damn near dead now. I'm surprised my lungs haven't collapsed but I do pass out like once every couple of days.

And knowing that I have little time left just makes things a little more bearable. The pain is a little more numbing. Bruises, scratches, and scars litter my body, I don't doubt that's why my lungs haven't collapsed. It's going for all the easy stuff like my broken ribs.

I'm pretty sure in times like this people pray for better but at this point, my sickness has been handing me my ass my whole life, and the only friend I had was my depression which is the only thing that keeps a smile on my face. Talking with death on a day to day basis makes life a little easier.

There were three knocks on the door letting me know my favorite person in this hellhole was back. I met him on my 12th beating, I was my regular sarcastic self and he hated it, so we made a bet. If I survived a month he'd let me use his phone since mine was smashed during my 3rd beating after I wouldn't give them my password. He comes and visits sometimes, he's a bit kinder though still a sarcastic bitch.

You know what's better, he's the "bosses" cousin.

"You alive motherfucker?" He asked and I laughed a bit to my self. "Yeah bitch. Your short ass cousin just beat my ass again." I said hearing him chuckle as he walked over. "Good then. Months up hoe." He said pulling his phone out his pocket doing something before handing it to me. I took it glancing at him cautiously while thinking of who I should call.

911 would be some shit, I'd be dead before they even get here.

Last peoples I was wit would be Upt... but I can't let them have any of their numbers nor Kentrells. My mother a fucking crackhead...

Last option.

I typed the number in before putting it to my ear and heard it wrong for a few seconds. "Hello?" The sound of my favorite women in the whole world spoke. "Hey ma." I said and immediately heard some shit dropping. "Sweetheart, where you been?" She asked just to keep conversation going despite me knowing they tracking my location. "I don't even know. How Brody been?" I asked tilting my head to the side. "He been good. He talk to yo boyfriend a lot." She said and I laughed hearing someone in the back. "What boyfriend? I'm single." I said hearing a light chuckle from her making me smile a bit. "That's good to hear though. I hope they getting alone." I said hearing her hum before some tapping and a buzz. "Yeah I guess. They argue a lot but it's all love." She said making me hum and I heard a bell sound in the back. "That's good to hear. Tell em I love them too and they better not blow the house up." I said and she laughed a bit getting the message. "Yeah okay. But they Gon kill them sons of bitches." She said mumbling the last part low so I barely heard. "I hope they do. Bye now." I said hearing her say a quick bye before I hung up handing him his phone.

"That was quicker then I thought." He said and I hummed nodding. "I don't like sitting on the phone for long." I said before coughing up some blood. "You look bout ready to die." He said and I hummed nodding. "I hope I do." I said leaning my head against the wall with a small smile while closing my eyes. I heard him sigh before making his way to the door and I smirked to myself. "And yo. I suggest you leave before cousin dearest heard about your little visits." I said and heard him hum before turning the knob. "I'm not worried about Tory." He said and I hummed nodding. "It's not him you should worry about." I said before he shut the door walking off.

Despite the coursing pain across my body I couldn't help but smile, the brightest smile I've had since I got here. A small laugh trickled from my throat before rising and soon I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath. I probably sound crazy, but that's alright.

Time went on for a while in this silent room with nothing but the buzzing of the flickering light ahead of me. Then I heard footsteps... and the door swung open. In came the drunken bastard whose trapped me here for over a month.

"Aye slut." He slurred out staggering closer to me and I just watched him. It's not like there's much I could do. Once he finally got close enough he grabbed me by my hair pulling me forward and I groaned at the feeling. "Heard you gon die soon bitch." He said before slapping me making my head whip to the side. "Naw baby Naw, imma fuck you first. I don't care if you die wit me dick in ya." He said and despite all the hate I've felt in my life. I've never felt more hate then what I'm feeling now.

He just said he literally would fuck my corpse.

I gathered up all the spit I could and spit right on his face. "You gon die before me bitch." I said and for a second everything was eerily quiet. Then I felt it. That sudden pain on my face that leaves a stinging feeling even after impact. A slap. "You dirty whore!" He yelled before slapping me again and my head whipped the other way. "I'm fucking you right here right now, and I hope you do die you bitch!" He seethed out pushing me down onto the ground making sure I was on my back. He sloppily pulled his clothes as I looked at the ceiling with tears in my eyes.

It's sad if I don't say bye to my babies.
I could literally see my life flashing before my eyes starting off with me and Diamond. Oh how nice she was, she introduced me to Khi. When she found out about my health problems she made it her job to protect me. Even if it meant making herself vulnerable. Then her suicide, the first pain. Khi was there for me though, he showed me the rest of Upt and they became my family. Then I moved in with his mom after they found out my mothers abusive behavior. There they showed me how to be strong despite everything so wrong with me. I became a model and Ray supported me and helped me build up in the organization. We all traveled together and I made a lot of friends. One day... when I wasn't having such a good time while out in France for a fashion show I got a message. It was from an unknown number, I was real cautious seeing as I've been gaining a lot of beef after my breakup. So I tried my hardest to get them off my line but they was persistent, and we connected. They was able to make me smile even after all the bullshit at the fashion show. We talked more and more so soon we got close and became best friends. When I finally met him we never had that awkward beginning, it was like we already knew each other so we were cool. Messed around a bit and before I knew it... I was his.

Damn... what if I never get to say I love you?

Suddenly the whole house started to shake and the ceiling crumbled a bit snapping me from my head and shorty from his motions. I heard a bang before multiple bullet sounds were heard and another bang. Tory ran out the room leaving the door opened just as I heard a familiar voice.


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