Chapter thirty-five: Make him promise

Start from the beginning

After the discussion we had on our behavior with the principal we were given the rest of the class free to work on out problem. Given the fact that we already established on a place and a hour to talk about this ,I preferred to spend the rest of the class alone in the library.

At the end of the class I headed to the next class where I was surprised to see Becca, Joshua and Tom. You could literally sense the tension between those two. I usually sit beside Becca and Joshua sits in the row before us, alone. The rest of the class is pretty full, so Tom and Joshua were fighting over the seat.

''This is my seat. What can you not understand?'' Joshua asked

''Yeah well there is no other place to sit, and I sure as hell don't want to sit next to you.'' Tom told him

Oh for God's sake.

''What makes you think I want to sit next to you anyway?''

Ok this is going too far. I sigh and make my way to the place where they were.

''You two are acting like 12 years old children.'' I tell them ''Becca can you please sit with Joshua? '' I ask her

She eyes the two of us suspiciously before she nods in agreement. The teacher soon comes in, so sit in Becca's normal place which is behind Joshua, and Tom behind Becca.

I notice Joshua's head trying to turn, but then sighs when he sees Tom where I was supposed to sit. Now I wonder if that's why he chose to sit there in the first place. I take a deep breath trying to remember what he did.

I still haven't told the others what I found out. I know it may be selfish to keep it to myself, but as much as I hate Joshua right now, I don't want the others to be pissed at him the same way I am. Plus, if Tom knew anything about this, he would tell me ''I told you so'' , something I don't really want to hear, oh and he would also probably throw a few punches at him.

So I would like to think of this as avoiding a physical incident, though I am not sure how avoidable it is, after all Tom is definitely gonna get back on the football team, and Joshua is also on the team with the guys.

Becca turns her head a bit just to look at me and mouths ''You okay?'' , to which I just nod. I get nudged on my elbow and I instantly look at Tom with a questioning look. He points his look at something on my desk. It's a not. I open it out and read what's written on it.

Are you okay?

Sure. Why wouldn't I be?

I don't know. I am sorry again Case, for everything.

Stop apologizing, okay? I gave you a second chance, just don't make me regret it.

I know it's none of my business, but is anything

going on between you and this Joshua guy?

I read his question over and over again trying to come up with an answer, but the truth is, I don't even know what we are anymore. Are we going back to being friends? Will I even forgive him?

I sense Tom noticing my hesitation so I decide to just write something, anything.

We're just friends. Or at least I thought we were.

Were? Did something happen?

We uh we kind of had a fight.

I am sorry to hear that. I am here if you want to talk.

Why? So you could punch him afterwards?

Why do you think I would punch him? Did he do something to you?

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