Dancers - Jinyoung, Yugyeom (Got7)

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"Jinyoung!" You yell from the studio in your house.

Jinyoung runs in, looking around frantically.

"What's wrong?!" he exclaims, worry evident in his voice.

"I can't get this move down!" You groan frustrated.

Jinyoung huffs and rolls his eyes.

"You yelled at the top of your lungs, nearly giving me a heart attack, because you can't get a move down?" he asks, a "wtf" look taking over his features.

"Listen hear, Mr. Resting Bitch Face," you sass, "I have a dance test in 2 days and if I can't ace it, I get a B for the semester. That will make it the only B I have ever had my entire College career. Do you really want to be the reason I got 1 B?"

Jinyoung sighs and rolls his eyes again. He makes his way over to you and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Which move is it?" he asks.

You bring your laptop over where a video of your instructor doing the dance is pulled up. You hit play and after a few seconds of the video running say, "This one!"

Jinyoung watches as your instructor pulls a higher up set of hip hop moves off and nods.

"That's easy," he says, walking to the middle of the room.

"Easy for you to say! You're an idol who's trained for years. I'm just a college student who decided she wanted to be a theater major and was forced to take a dance class," you say, setting your laptop down and making your way across the room to your boyfriend.

"True," Jinyoung says. "I'm gonna do this section two moves at a time, think you can handle it?"

You nod. Jinyoung begins breaking the difficult section down two moves at a time. You follow along, doing each pair of moves after Jinyoung. He then steps away and gestures for you to do the section, two moves at a time on your own. When you have that down, he says, "Now do it two sets of two at a time. Four moves at a time now."

You do as he says and dance the section four moves at a time. Jinyoung has you do this a few times, dancing with you.

"Now do the entire section," he says.

You nod and hesitantly do the entire section by yourself.

"Don't hesitate. Again," Jinyoung orders.

You nod and do it again, this time with more confidence.

"There ya go, baby! Hip hop is all about confidence. Even if you don't do the move exactly right, if you exude confidence, no one is going to notice. Now come upstairs and help me with dinner," Jinyoung says.

"Yes sir!" You say, saluting and following him into the kitchen, "Thanks for the help Jinyounggie!"

"No problem princess," he says, kissing your temple.

"How do you do it?" You ask, watching Yugyeom as he practices for Got7′s newest comeback.

"Do what?" Yugyeom asks, continuing to dance.

"Dance so well," you reply.

Yugyeom laughs.

"It's easy~~~," he says, causing you to laugh.

"For real!" you say, throwing a towel at him.

"Practice. I've been dancing since I was young. Toss in my years training with JYP and I've only gotten better," Yugyeom says, finishing his dance and turning to smile at you. "Wanna learn?"

"Me? I can barely walk in a straight line and you want me to dance?" you ask.

Yugyeom laughs. "Anyone can dance. Come on, do it for me?" he asks.

"Fine," you say, standing and walking over to him.

"We'll do something easier first," he says, "You're not ready for Never Ever yet. How about Just Right? I know you can do some of the moves already."

You blush and nod. Yugyeom turns Just Right on and begins teaching you the dance, step by step. You get to the bouncy rollercoaster dance and begin to have trouble. Yugyeom laughs, causing you to pout and walks over to you.

"Like this, Jagi," He says, wrapping his arms around you and grabbing your hands in his own and gently moving you.

You blush at the feeling of his chest pushed up against your back and his hands wrapped around yours.

"O-oppa," you whisper.

Yugyeom chuckles and says, "Yes, Jagi?"

"You're really close," you say.

"I am. I'm teaching you how to do this dance move," he says.

You nod.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" Yugyeom asks.

You shake your head no and squeal when Yugyeom buries his face in your neck.

"You're so cute, Jagi!" he exclaims, wrapping his arms around your torso and pulling you against him.

You giggle and say, "Maybe dancing's not so bad after all."

Yugyeom laughs, and says, "You just like me teaching you cause I get super close. It's okay Jagi, Your secret's safe with me."

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