Surgery - Xiumin (EXO)

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You have always been healthy, so finding out that your left kidney was shutting down was a complete surprise. You had sat down with your doctor, what seemed like a million times, to talk about what could be done. It was finally decided that a transplant would be done, and you were placed on the waiting list.

It's been a couple months since this decision was made.

You are standing in the kitchen, making a cup of hot chocolate when you hear your phone ringing. You grab your phone from the counter, check the caller ID, and slide your finger across to accept the call.

"Hello?" you ask.

"Hello, Ms. ________?"


"It's Dr. Montgomery. We have received information that a kidney that matches your blood type has been donated. Would you like to set up an appointment to undergo the surgery?" Dr. Montgomery asks.

You squeal and begin laughing.

"Yes! Yes, I'd love to set up an appointment! Let me get my calendar," you say, rushing over to the calendar on the wall. "When's the earliest you can do the operation?"

"Let me look," your doctor says.

You can hear the sound of papers shuffling and a chair rolling along linoleum. I a couple of seconds pass before Dr. Montgomery asks,

"The earliest is next Tuesday at 12 pm, is that okay?"

You look at the calendar and say, "That sounds perfect, thank you!"

"Perfect. I will set up the appointment. I will have my secretary call you Monday morning to tell you what you need to do. See you next Tuesday."

"See you next Tuesday. Thank you, Dr. Montgomery."

The line goes dead and you jot down the appointment on your calendar. You then jump around, squealing excitedly. You unlock your phone, go to the dial pad and type Minseok's number in.

It rings once before your baby-faced boyfriend picked up.

"Hey, baby girl," Minseok says.

"Hey! I just got some AMAZING news!" you cheer.

"What? What is it?" Minseok asks, his voice intrigued.

"I'm getting my kidney surgery done! They found a match! I'll be going in for surgery on Tuesday!"

"Oh my God! Baby that's amazing! I'm so happy. I'll talk to my manager about taking off so I can come with you."

"Alright! Thank you, Seokie! I'll see you later. I love you!"

"I love you too," Minseok responds, blowing you a kiss through the phone.


Tuesday came quicker than you expected and before you knew it, you were being whisked back for surgery.

You wake up post-surgery and look around the blindingly white room surrounding you. You look to your right and see a very handsome man standing next to your bed.


Your mind tells you. You've never seen such a handsome man in your life! Is he single?

"Are you single?" you ask, your voice slurred and tired.

"Hmm?" Minseok asks, his dark eyes meeting yours.

"Single. Are you single? Because you are the most handsome man I've ever seen in my whole life!" you exclaim, "No one should be this handsome! It's il... il...illegal."

Minseok laughs, quickly realizing that your anesthesia definitely hasn't worn off yet. He decides to play along.

"Sadly, I'm not. I've got a very beautiful girlfriend named ________. She just got a new kidney this morning," Minseok says, sitting on the edge of your bed and pushing a piece of hair out of your face.

"_______? That's my name! What a coincidence!"

"What a coincidence, indeed. How are you feeling baby, any pain?" Minseok asks, scanning your face for any signs of discomfort.

"Baby? You just called me baby! Your girlfriend is gonna KILL me!" you say, your eyes wide in fear.

Minseok clutches his stomach as he shakes with silent laughter. He's never laughed so hard in his life. You're just too cute. Minseok examines you once his laughter subsides. Your white gown is just a bit too big and is falling off your right shoulder, your hair is pulled up into a messy bun atop your head, a few strands falling around your face. You've never looked so beautiful than in this moment.

"You are my girlfriend, baby. You don't need to worry about you beating yourself up. I won't let you!" Minseok says, kissing your cheek.

You get a strong whiff of his cologne as he leans in and it causes your nose to tickle. Before you can brace yourself, you sneeze and a shock of pain shoots up your back.

"Ow!" you exclaim, tears streaming down your face! "It hurts!"

Minseok jumps up and runs to get a nurse. He's back at your side a quickly as he left it. He takes your face in his hands, smoothing his thumbs over your cheeks.

"It's okay, baby. I went and got the nurse. She's gonna bring you some medicine to make it stop hurting. Are you okay?" He asks, his eyes filled with worry and darting back and forth across your face.

You feel your lower lip quiver, and you sniffle.

"It hurts," you whisper.

"Oh, baby girl!" Minseok says, laying down beside you and holding you close.

You snuggle into him, burying your face in his neck. Minseok smooths his hand over your neck and shoulders over and over again until the nurse comes in. Minseok moves to get up, but the nurse gestures for him to stay.

"If she feels better in your arms, stay there," the nurse says.

Minseok nods and begins rubbing your neck again. You hear the nurse tap a syringe and then you feel your eyes begin to droop. You're asleep before the nurse even leaves the room.

Minseok continues to lay with you, gently rubbing your neck and upper back. He too feels his eyes getting heavy, and before he can pull himself up and off the bed, he's fast asleep with you safe in his arms.

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