Present - Xiumin (EXO)

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"Wake up!" you cheer, bouncing on the bed.

Minseok groans, rolling over and hiding his face in his pillow. You pout, falling onto your knees beside your husband's strong body.

"Minseok," you whine, shaking his body with both of your hands.

"What?" Minseok asks, his voice deep and husky from lack of use.

"Get up! It's your birthday!" you cheer, nuzzling your nose against his cheek.

Minseok laughs and rubs his hand over his face. He rolls back over on his back, staring up at you.

"Come on, let's go do things! It's your birthday, we can do whatever you want~!" you bribe.

Minseok smirks, his eyes narrowing in seduction and his eyebrows wiggling up and down a couple times. You laugh and hit his chest, saying, "Anything OUTSIDE OF this room."

Minseok groans and rolls his eyes over-dramatically. You laugh again and lean down kissing Minseok. He lightly rests his hand on your head, your lips moving softly in sync. He pulls away, angling your head so your forehead's rest together, and says, "Let's have a picnic in the park. We can listen to the little kids play and plan our future."

Your heart jumps at his proposition. You nod, your nose bumping against his. Minseok smiles big at you and pecks your lips.

"Get dressed and I'll put together our picnic," you say, slipping off of the bed and padding into the kitchen.

You can hear Minseok sliding from the bed and making his way to the bathroom. You smile, grab a picnic basket and get to making Minseok's favorite foods. You had made a cake the night before so you walk over and slide it into a cake taker. You click the latches to the cake taker closed then set it on the counter next to the basket.

Minseok walks in as you are sliding a bowl of salad into the basket.

"Anything I can help with, beautiful?" Minseok asks, walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist.

"You can get the tteokbokki from the microwave. I hope it's okay that I just heated it up from last night," you say, making your way over to the oven and stirring the ramen in it's pot.

You toss a couple handfuls of chopped green onion in the pot along with some chopped carrot. You stir the noodles, vegetables and broth a couple times before dishing it into two thermos bowls. You grab an egg and crack it into one of the bowls, giggling as the you watch the egg whites harden in the boiling water. You crack another egg into the other bowl and seal the lids onto the two bowls. Minseok walks over to you and takes the two bowls from you, placing them into the basket.

"Anything else you want?" you ask, turning around to smile at your husband.

"Just you," Minseok says, smirking a sexy smirk at the implied innuendo.

You blush and flip him off, grabbing the picnic blanket and tossing it into the basket. You grab the cake taker and shuffle off to the door, Minseok following with the basket resting on his arm. You slide on a pair of black ballet flats while Minseok pulls on his own shoes.


You get to the park soon after. You run up the slight hill to your favorite tree by the park and turn to look at Minseok.

"Come on birthday boy! Our favorite spot is shady today!" you say, turning back around and smiling at the cute little kids running around.

Minseok reaches the top of the hill and stops in his tracks. He stares at you, your face lit up with a smile as you watch the little ones chasing each other on the equipment. His heart clenches, a picture of you popping up in his mind. You're smiling like you are now, and in your arms is a sweet, soft looking baby girl. He's brought out of his reverie by you yelling his name. He smiles and makes his way over to you, setting the basket down.

"You okay?" you ask, running your fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, baby. I'm okay. I'm great," he says, kissing you.

You giggle and reach down, grabbing the picnic blanket. You spread it out on the ground, kick your shoes off and step onto the blanket. Minseok kicks his shoes off and joins you on the blanket. You take the lid off the cake taker and hold it up to him.

"Happy birthday!" you cheer, showing off your masterpiece.

Minseok laughs and says, "Thank you! This looks so good."

Minseok begins pulling food out, setting them on the blanket. He grabs two glasses you placed in earlier along with the bottle of wine, and pops the cork off. While he pours the wine into the glasses your pull the lids off of all the containers and hand Minseok a pair of chopsticks and a fork. The two of you get to eating, a calm and happy silence surrounding the two of you.

"So," Minseok says some time later, "What'd you get me for my birthday?"

You smile, your face lighting up.

"I'm still making it," you say, "You won't get it for a while though."

Minseok looks at you confused and asks, "When will I get it?"

You look up and hum before saying, "Here in about 7 months."

Minseok's eyebrows furrow before realization lights up in is eyes.

"You're pregnant?" he asks, his eyes wide and slightly teary.

You nod, your smile widening.

"You're gonna be a dad," you say, handing him an envelope.

He opens it and pulls out an ultrasound photo. The tears in his eyes finally begin to slide down his cheeks and he leans over the food, pulling you into a kiss.

"This is the best present you've ever given me aside from your hand in marriage," he says, rubbing his nose against yours, "Thank you."

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