Cherry Blossoms and Stolen Kisses - Yongguk

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"C'mon, Guk! We're so close!" you cheer, wrapping both your hands around his and pulling him along behind you.

Yongguk chuckles, his deep laugh flowing into your ears and calming you down. You stop in your tracks and just stare at him. His hair is curly and hanging in his shining, dark brown eyes. His full lips are lifted up in the smile you adore. His muscled torso is donned in a black tank, showing off his thick arms and tattoos. Your eyes trace down his body to the dark wash jeans hanging low on his hips, ripped at the knees. Before you can continue your silent appraisal of your boyfriend his deep voice brings you back up to his face.

"Hmm?" you ask, looking up, your eyes meeting his amusement filled brown pools.

"I've been talking for the last 5 minutes, baby girl," he rasps out, "Am I really so hot that you can't help but check me out? We're in public!" he jokes.

You blush, your face going hot. You let go of Yongguk's arm, hiding your face behind your hair. Yongguk chuckles and drapes his arm around your shoulders, pulling you against his side.

"Don't be embarrassed. I'm pretty hot," he jokes.

"So hot that God made two of you," you say innocently, looking up at him.

Yongguk laughs and kisses the top of your head.

"Yeah, baby girl. God was so proud of how I turned out he had to make two, that's why Nam was born too," he says with a laugh.

A strong wind blows carrying a stream of pale pink and white petals past the two of you. You gasp and follow the stream to where it originated. An excited squeal leaves your mouth, your hands clapping together in front of you.

"Look!" you exclaim, pointing towards the sakura trees lining the park.

"I am, baby girl. It's beautiful," he says, though it's not the trees he's looking at.

You look up at him, your eyes meeting his love filled brown eyes. Your face heats up prompting Yongguk to gently grab onto your chin before you could hide again.

"Don't hide from me," he whispers.

You nod in response, standing up straighter, causing your nose to nearly brush against his own.

"Let's go sit and people watch," he says, leading you in the direction of a secluded area covered in pink and white petals.

The two of you sit down, Yongguk pulling you so that your bodies are pressed against each other. You lay back, your head thumping lightly against the soft cherry blossom petals. You stare up at the beautiful canopy above you, the sun shining through the delicate petals and warming your skin. Your eyes close as you bask in the warmth. Yongguk watches you closely, admiring you. He lays down as well, though as you are on your back, he lays on his side, resting his head on his hand.

You open your eyes again and turn to look at him. He's staring at you like you are the sky, the stars, the universe. He scoots toward you and you do the same. Before you know it, his lips are pressed against yours. Your lips move in sync with his, parting and closing in time with his own. Your tongue hesitantly snakes into his mouth, causing Yongguk to suck on it. You sigh at the feeling and thread your fingers into his hair.

An older couple walking along sees the two of you. Instead of becoming angry and disgusted with the PDA of today's youth, they both look at each other, their eyes sparkling with love and adoration for each other. The old man takes his wife's hand, bringing it to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to it. The old woman blushes and giggles.

"They're sweet," she comments, "They remind me of us."

The old man nods and leads his wife along the path to their favorite bench. You and Yongguk, who had both heard the comment, pull away and stare into each others eyes. You both begin to laugh and Yongguk pecks your lips again.

"If you keep stealing kisses in public we're going to get banned from places," you reprimand.

"I didn't hear you complaining," Yongguk states, kissing your lips again, "In fact, I think I heard a few moans."

You blush and hit his chest, causing him to roll onto his back and laugh. You push up onto your hands and glare at your boyfriend as he clutches his stomach. Deciding to take control, you lean over and press your lips to his, catching him off guard.

"Whose stealing kisses now?" he asks, his right eyebrow quirking in question.

You blush and go to turn away, that is until Yongguk grabs your arm and pulls you on top of him. He presses his lips to yours yet again and you melt into him.

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