Dancers - J-Hope, Jimin, Jungkook

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"Hobi!" you yell, causing your happy pill of a boyfriend to start laughing

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"Hobi!" you yell, causing your happy pill of a boyfriend to start laughing. "This isn't funny! We need to perform this in a week and I'm having problems with this move! Do you want everyone to think we're not hard-working?!"

Hoseok stops rolling on the floor and sits up. "You're cute, Jagi," he coos.

You huff and turn your back on him, heading over to the CD player to start the track again. You plan on practicing even if your boyfriend doesn't want to. You begin pounding out the steps again.

"Ugh!" You yell, throwing your hands in the air when you reach the moves giving you the most trouble.

Hoseok shakes his head and stands. He walks over to the CD player and turns the music off. You whip around, glaring at him. You open your mouth to yell again, only for the look on Hoseok's face to stop you. You close your mouth and take a deep breath. Hoseok walks over to you and rests his hands on your shoulders. He looks deep into your eyes and says, "You're having so much trouble with these moves because you're looking at this dance like a job. Stop trying to impress everyone and just have fun. The song is a song about summer! It's supposed to be bubbly and happy. Fun. Not robotic and precise. Some of the best dances feed off of the emotions of the dancers. Dances meant to show forbidden love require their dancers to act sad and heartbroken. Dances about sex require their dancers to act seductive. Dances about Summer Break require their dancers to be happy." He gently begins to rub your shoulders. "Let the tension leave your body, take a deep breath, and have fun with me!!" Hoseok yells, dancing around crazily.

You begin to laugh and shake your head.

"There's my girl! Dance silly with me!" He yells.

You try to stay serious, but Hoseok's silly dance moves and faces have you giggling and dancing with him. Hoseok grabs your arms and shakes them, pulling you towards him. You laugh as he leans forward and presses kisses all over your face. Hoseok stops messing around soon after, laughing a deep belly laugh at the look on your face.

"Ready to get this dance down?" he asks.

You nod and lean up, kissing him.

"Thanks, Hoseok," you say.

Hoseok just gives you a kiss and hits play on the track, pulling you in to begin the dance

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