Exhaustion - S. Coups (Seventeen) [Male Reader]

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"________? ________? ________!"

You jump up at the sound of Seungcheol yelling your name.

"Huh?! What? What happened?" you ask, looking around the room frantically.

"You fell asleep again. Are you okay? You've been falling asleep like this a lot lately," Seungcheol says, running a hand through your hair.

You nod. "I'm okay. Well, I'm not sick I don't think. I think I'm just exhausted, babe," you say, yawning and running a hand down your face.

"School been giving you trouble?" he asks, snuggling up against you.

You wrap your arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer to your side and say, "Yeah. My teachers are closing in seeing as it's the last semester before summer break. Everyone seems to be dropping crazy projects. I've been working on them whenever I have free time and I have most of them done, but I have been finding myself waking up faceplanted into my work the last couple weeks."

Seungcheol sits up straight and looks at you worried.

"You may want to talk to your doctor about this. If it's been happening for a couple weeks and it's not stopping you could have a late blooming sleep disorder. If that's the case knowing you have one and knowing how to deal with it would be good," he says before worrying his bottom lip between his teeth.

You reach up, pull his lip from between his teeth with your thumb and say, "I don't think that anything is wrong, but if you're really this worried I'll ask Dr. Smith about it."

Seuncheol sighs, nodding.

"Are you hungry?" he asks, drawing little patterns on your upper thigh with his pointer finger.

"Yeah, I could eat," you say, smiling up at him.

"We need some groceries, I'll head out and get what we need and when I get back we can cook, yeah?" He asks, standing from the couch and heading to the door.

"Yeah," you reply, following him.

"Okay, see you in a bit," Seungcheol says, sliding his shoes on then pressing a kiss to your lips.

"Yeah, baby. Be safe okay?" you ask, stroking his jaw.

"I will," he says, stepping out and making his way to the store at the end of the block.


Seungcheol steps into the house, plastic grocery bags lining his arms. He kicks the door shut, pushes his shoes off and heads to the kitchen.

"________? ________, can you come help me?" Seungcheol asks, setting the bags down on the island.

Seungcheol grabs the nearest bag and begins pulling food out. He gets through three bags before he realizes you didn't answer and haven't come into the kitchen.

"________?" Seungcheol asks, looking around the kitchen before making his way into the living room. "Baby?"

He looks over to your work desk to see you slumped over, your back rising and falling gently. He walks over to see you face down on your laptop, a history textbook opened next to you and a paper containing hastily written notes in both your mother language and Korean. Seuncheol smiles at the notes and looks over at your face. Your peaceful face is smashed into the keyboard of your laptop, one of your hands resting on the open history textbook.

"Sleepy baby," Seungcheol coos, rubbing your back in the hopes to wake you up.

You groan and turn your face away from Seungcheol's. Seungcheol laughs and gently shakes you.

"Come on, baby. Wake up just long enough that I can help you to bed," he says.

"Cheol?" you ask, stretching.

"Hi, baby," he says.

"Did I fall asleep again?" you ask, sitting up and rubbing your eyes.

"You did. I just came back from the grocery store and I needed some help putting the groceries away, but you were asleep," he says.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," you say.

"It's okay, love. Let's get you to bed then I can do the groceries after," Seungcheol says, helping you stand.

"I wanna help with the groceries," you say, slowly walking to the kitchen.

Seungcheol laughs and follows.

"Alright," he says.

The groceries go away a lot faster with the two of you putting them up. In no time, both of you are shuffling to the bedroom. Seungcheol helps you lay down, pulling the covers up to your chin. When you're tucked in, he turns to go and make dinner.

"No," you say, reaching out for him.

"What, baby? What's wrong?" Seungcheol asks, walking back over to you.

"Lay with me," you say.

"Okay," Seungcheol says, sliding under the covers next to you, and pulling you onto his chest.

You rest your head on his chest under his chin. Seungcheol rubs your back and begins to hum. You trace patterns on his chest and turn your head slightly so that your face is buried in his neck. Seungcheol kisses your head, still humming and rubs your back in soothing circles. Your eyes soon close due to Seungcheol's soft humming and soothing back rubbing.

"My sweet prince," Seungcheol whispers, kissing your head again before slipping from under you and heading to the kitchen to start dinner.

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