• thirty nine •

Start from the beginning

"Good, good. So with that being said, what are your goals? What are you hoping to get from therapy? Be completely honest."

"I want to improve our communication skills for sure." Trey said. "I want us to get to a point where our disagreements aren't always filled with so much anger. I also want to learn how to solve our problems more quickly instead of dragging them out."

She nodded while writing down some notes then she looked up at me. "What about you, Kelly?"

"I just want to get past feeling betrayed. I want to be able to trust my husband again. This is the first time he's ever lost my trust and it's a terrible feeling. I also want him to realize that it hurts when he constantly makes me seem crazy for the things I feel."

Trey sighed, "Kelly..."

"See? He's about to do it right now. What's the problem Tremaine? I was told to be honest and that's exactly what I'm doing. It's like every time I try to express my emotions, it's wrong in his eyes."

"That's not true. You're putting words in my mouth." he argued.

"How the hell you gon tell me it's not true when I'm the one who goes through it?"

"Okay, okay." Dr. Jones interjected, trying to diffuse the situation before it could escalate. "Kelly, would you agree that improved communication skills is something you aim for as well?"

I slowly inhaled and exhaled in an attempt to regain my composure before focusing my attention on her question. "Yes, I do agree with that."

"Good." She paused to jot down some more notes before continuing. "You guys have been married for six years, correct?"

Trey nodded, "As of February."

"Now if you could describe your marriage as a weather forecast, what would it be?"

"Oh wow, that's a really good question." I mumbled to myself.

"You can think about it for a second. Try to make sure the answer reflects your entire six years of marriage, not just the recent bad times."

"I would say partly cloudy." Trey spoke up. "It's still sunny because we have no problems with commitment, intimacy or romance. The lack of communication does bring some cloudiness, but the sun always shines through. Does that make sense?"

I couldn't help but smile. "Very well said."

"Would you agree with him?" Dr. Jones asked me.


"Awesome. So going off of that, do you think your relationship is strong enough to eventually go from partly cloudy to completely or at least mostly sunny?"

"Well doc, we came here so we could find out." Trey replied.

"Well I'll tell you one thing. I've had couples come in from all parts of the spectrum. There are people who come in with little to no relationship problems and seek advice on how to prevent issues before they can even happen. Then there are the people whose issues are way too deep to fix, and regardless of how many sessions they come to, they have no choice but to split up. I think you guys fall somewhere in the middle. Your communication issues will be hard to reverse because I can tell they've existed for a long time, but they definitely are reversible. Long story short, I have hope for you."

"I have hope for us too." Trey said.

"I'm glad. Now on a lighter note, tell me how you guys ended up together. How did you meet, when did you start dating, all that good stuff."

I cleared my throat dramatically, "Well, we became friends after he hopped on a remix to one of my songs and we performed it together. We had major chemistry right off the bat and we just started hanging out a lot. I fell in love with him, but I never told him. We drifted apart for a few years and I thought my feelings drifted away too, but then we reconnected and all those feelings resurfaced. I was just getting out of a bad relationship around that time and he was there for me, so I ended up telling him how I felt, come to find out he felt the exact same way. And yeah, the rest is history."

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now