Chapter Sixty

Depuis le début

"So, what are they? I mean, what do they mean?"

"It's a mark of union. This man and woman were intended to mate"

"Okay, but who put them there?" Dean asks.

"Well, your people call them "Cupid. ""

"A what?"

"What human myth has mistaken for "Cupid" is actually a lower order of angel. Technically it's a cherub, third-class"


"Yeah, they're all over the world. There are dozens of them"

"You mean the little flying fat kid in diapers?" Dean asks.

"They're not incontinent" Dean and Sam share a look.

"Okay, anyway. So, what you're saying..." Sam asks.

"What I'm saying is a Cupid has gone rogue and we have to stop him--before he kills again"


"Of course we do"


At a restaurant: the waitress brings Dean a cheeseburger and Sam a salad, sets the meals down on the table, Erika approaches and smiles at Castiel.

"Hey, Cas, love" she greets, he smiles back at her.

"Hello, Eris" Erika sits beside Dean who smiles at her and then turns to Castiel.

"So, what, you just happen to know he likes the cosmos at this place?"

"This place is a nexus of human reproduction. It's exactly the kind of.." Castiel watches Dean put ketchup on his cheeseburger. "of garden the Cupid will come to-- to pollinate" Dean puts his cheeseburger back down.

"Wait a minute. You're not hungry?" Sam asks.

"No. What? I'm not hungry"

"Then you're not gonna finish that?" Castiel takes Dean's cheeseburger and eats it whilst looking toward a couple at a table across the room. "He's here" 

"Where? I don't see anything"


"You mean the same-side-of-the-booth couple over there?"

"Meet me in the back" Castiel then vanishes, Erika sighs.


Erika, Sam and Dean join Castiel in the back room of the restaurant.

"Cas, where is he?" Sam asks.

"I have him tethered. Zoda kama mahrana. Manifest yourself"

"So, where is he?" Cupid appears and grabs Dean in a hug."Oof!"

"Here I am!"

"Help!" Dean begs.

"Oh, help is on the way. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Hello, you!" Cupid drops Dean and walks to Castiel, picks him up, hugging him.

"Ooh. Mmm"

"This is Cupid?" Erika asks amused.

"Yes," Cupid turns to Sam.

"And look at you, huh?"

"No" Sam turns away but Cupid appears in front of him, hugging him too.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!"

"Is this a fight? Are we in a fight?" Dean asks.

"This is... Their handshake" Castiel explains.

(1) The Devil's Hybrid (D. Winchester)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant