Chapter Fifty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Let me make myself perfectly clear, love. I will never, ever, ever sleep with you again. Never. Okay? Got it?"

"Playing hard to get. I like it" he teases flicking his forked tongue over her nose.

"When Hell freezes over, Lucifer," she tells him walking away.

"I can arrange that, actually" she shoots him a look and walks into her bedroom, slams the door behind her.


Four days later: Erika sits with Klaus as he feeds off some young blonde thing. Erika rolls her eyes and looks to her own glass of blood before her cell phone pings with a text. She sets her drink down and picks up her phone, opening the message, before her eyebrow raises.

"What?" she asks, Klaus looks to her and raises his own eyebrow. She turns her phone to him and the eyebrow goes higher, he smirks. "It's not funny," she tells him turning the phone back to dial Sam's number "What the bloody hell are you two involved in?" She asks, Sam chuckles down the phone.

"Dean got tapped by a he-witch playing poker" Sam answers. "And now he's 80 years old"

"I swear, you two will be the death of me" she teases. "Have you got a plan, love? To get him turned back?"

"We're...working on it" Sam offers. "Hey, Dean, wanna talk to Eri?"

"You called her?!" Dean shouts, Erika bites her lip amused. "What did you do that for?"

"I think he's worried you won't find him attractive anymore," Sam tells Erika.

"Dude, shut up!" Dean complains.

"I don't know, love, he's kind of like a sexy Hugh Hefner now"

"Oh, Hugh Hefner, really??" Sam asks, Dean stops shouting.

"Gimme that" Dean snatches the phone from his brother who smirks. "Hey" Dean greets.

"Hey yourself, love" she greets back.

"Hugh Hefner?" he asks.

"Uh-huh, Hugh Hefner" she answers biting her lip.

"I suppose it's not too bad then" he grumbles. She smiles. "You okay?" he asks.

"Of course, love, just.....miss you" she admits, he smirks.

"Yeah? Miss you too" he admits back. "Bobby's just got back, I'll call"

"Look forward to it, love," she tells him before hanging up, she smirks at the picture on her phone as Klaus sends her a look, she shrugs back.


A week later: Erika looks to her phone and sighs, again, it's been three days since she's heard from Dean, he's normally pretty predictable, even if he can't call he'll send a text and she's had nothing. She throws the phone down and then bites her lip, she can't believe she's going to do this. She clasps her hands together and closes her eyes.

"Hello, Eris" Castiel greets appearing behind her.

"Surprised you came," Erika tells him picking her drink up from the table.

"Why? You admitted that you have faith" he tells her back. "Why is it so surprising I'd listen?" she shrugs.

"You know who I am, what I am.......who I loved"

"A thousand years ago" he reminds her. "You've changed" she looks to him. "Your....fate has changed" she raises an eyebrow at him. "Why did you pray?" he asks.

"I'm worried about them," Erika tells Castiel. "I haven't heard from either of them in days, and neither one is picking up their cell phones"

"That is....strange" the angel agrees.

(1) The Devil's Hybrid (D. Winchester)Where stories live. Discover now