Part 28: More of Nikki Fuckin Sixx

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A/N:  I can't express my thanks to you all.  Almost 10k reads and I am overwhelmed.  Thank you for loving this story.  I apologize for the delayed update and will hopefully be able to get to it more often.  This part is a little on the fluffy side. As always, comments are appreciated.  Love you all!

Nikki's Diary

I've always had an addictive personality. It's no secret I delved into the depths of hell and filled my body with every toxic poison I could get my hands on. I use to say heroin was the sweetest thing in the world. It made my pain go away and took me to a place where the demons that plagued me were silenced. Everything became euphoric. During the height of my addiction, I didn't think anything could ever bring me that level of ecstasy and I never wanted to lose that feeling. Until it killed me. Twice. Then I had to wise up and look elsewhere for my high.

Even without the chemicals, I still have the tendency towards addiction. After years of chasing the high without the drugs, I finally have that feeling back. It has come in the form of the girl who stood in my dressing room on opening night, toweling the sweat off her shoulders after our sticky sweet tryst.

Ashten is my new euphoria and I am so fucking strung out it's almost frightening.

I am addicted. Addicted to the lip-gloss she wears that always makes her mouth taste like vanilla frosting. And how her perfume has the sugary fragrance of cotton candy. She is like a walking fucking dessert and my sweet tooth is incorrigible.

I am addicted to her eyes. I've never seen a pair like hers. The irises are blue on the outside with a ring of green and a hint of gold wrapped around her pupils. I can't stop looking at them, especially after I noticed they change color depending on her mood or clothing. They take on a greener turquoise shade when she wears red or black. Blue grey when she is pissed off or determined. Sapphire when she is turned on and horny. That shade is definitely my favorite. Especially when she looks at me like she wants me. That look makes me believe there is a God.

But the hue of her eyes doesn't matter as long as she keeps looking at me through those thick lashes and I can look back knowing she is mine.

Fuck. The way she looks at me she could take me for anything. My house, my cars, and all of my possessions. Hell, even my bank account. Especially when she flashes the dimples.

I'm addicted to the way her ass bounces on impact. And how she bites my shoulder with her eyes glazed over when I'm inside her and she is about to cum. Her whole body tightens around me and when she moans in pleasure, it has to be the sweetest, most delicious sound on the planet.

And fuck, can she wear a pair of jeans like a second fucking skin! It's enough to kill a man. Luckily, for me, the difference between Ashten and heroin is she isn't toxic and wont kill me. Fuck, even if she does, it will be a great way to go.

Ashten's POV

"Ever borrowed eyeliner from a boyfriend?"

I looked at Nikki from the mirror as he stood behind me pulling up and retying his pants. I was doing my best to pull myself back together after he made a mess of me. After toweling off the sweat and slipping back into my dress, I raided his make-up case. Grabbing one of his eyeliner pens I attempted to fix my face, which had surprisingly minimal damage. Just a little smudged eye makeup, which would be a breeze to fix thanks to his arsenal of cosmetics.

"No." I lined my right eye with his midnight black liquid liner. "This is definitely a first." Before switching to my left lid, I glanced at him from the mirror. "It feels slightly odd to refer to someone who is twenty years older than me as my BOYfriend."

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