Part 39: Busted

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Hey all-

This is a little shorter than usual but I wanted to make sure and do an update this weekend. As always I LOVE you all and LOVE to read your comments and reactions. You inspire me to be better,


"What happened to you?" Ashten asked in amusement from the open doorway of Tommy's dressing room.

Tommy looked up from the big comfortable chair he was lounging in as an IV bag hung next to him, liquid dripping in via the needle in his left arm.  "Your brother just inserted a banana bag in me.  It sounds kinda dirty but really isn't.

"Banana bag?" She entered the room and cocked her eyebrow at her brother in curiosity.

Alex sat on the couch and flipped through the channels of the flat screen TV mounted on the wall.  He gave her a sideways glance and scoffed.  "Potassium, saline and other fluids to fend off the body aches and keep him hydrated.  Or have you forgotten everything you learned in med school?"

"I remember what a banana bag is, jackass.  I'm the one who graduated with honors and carried two specialties.  Just because I'm a little out of practice..." Ashten argued.

"Which we are talking about before I leave, by the way." Alex shot her his classic 'I'm your older brother and you are going to listen to me' look as he finally found his channel.

"No we aren't," she waived him off and held her hand against Tommy's forehead noticing he didn't feel nearly as hot anymore.  "Fever's gone down."

"Yep," Tommy nodded and sipped on a mug of hot tea with honey, lemon and whiskey.  "I'm hoping to sweat out the rest of it on stage tonight."

"You probably will."

Tommy looked at her curiously. "I knew you were a shrink. What was your other specialty?" Tommy inquired.

She smiled at him.  "Pain management."

"So you have access to some good shit, huh?" Tommy's tired eyes widened as he grinned.

"I do."

"Man," Tommy sighed deeply in mock disappointment.  "Where were you in the eighties?  It would have been gnarly to have you back then."

"Elementary school," Ashten chuckled when Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Almost kickoff time," Alex announced and made himself comfortable. 

"Oh shit, I need my hoodie!" Ashten skipped over to the couch to grab her duffle bag.  She rummaged through it and produced a navy blue zip up sweatshirt branded with her and Alex's alma mater.

"What's that?" Tommy asked after she slid into her hoodie and then grabbed a silver piece of jewelry from her purse.  He leaned over to get a closer look as she placed her foot on the side of the couch and clasped the shiny silver chain around her ankle. 

"It's my good luck charm," Ashten stated as she showed him the shiny silver charm anklet resting just above her anklebone.  A single shamrock charm with an emerald in the center hung from the chain.

"Your good luck charm?" He inquired.

"Oh yeah," Alex piped up, "she wears it for every game."

"Ah, football juju," Tommy nodded.

"Yeah, and I know you probably think all of this is stupid.." She started, motioning to her shirt and ankle before Tommy interrupted.

"No, no!" He held his hands up.  "It's all good. I get it.  I was on the Nebraska campus during football season when I was filming that reality show.  College football is some serious shit."

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