Part 41: Under the Weather

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A/N-Hello all! Sorry for the delay. The holidays are kicking my ass. Here is a little update and my HOPE is to get another one out before Christmas.
As always, I am loving your comments. Thank you so much for the support. Love you!

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Nikki demanded as he stood in the doorway of Tommy's dressing room glaring at Ashten with his hands on his hips.

"Well, I'm trying to do my job but I sense you find that unacceptable," she muttered quitely, rolling her eyes.

"You're damn right I do." He clamped his hands down on her shoulders and ushered her back down the hall to his dressing room. "You're sick. You shouldn't even be here."

"I'm fine," Ashten grumbled back. It was a lie. It was a total lie. Tommy may not have been speaking to her at that point but had been kind enough to pass along his flu germs. Ashten woke up that morning with horrendous body aches and a 102 degree fever. She felt like walking talking garbage but still insisted upon doing her job.

"Babe, you are NOT fine. You're burning up and you haven't stopped shivering since you woke up this morning. You're sick. Just let yourself be sick."

"I don't have time to be sick," Ashten protested again as he directed her to the couch and all but pushed her to a seated position. "Tonight is the last night of the tour and tomorrow we fly home. I can be sick then."

Nikki didn't respond, only stood behind the sofa and looked down at her before planting a kiss on her forehead as she frowned up at him.

"You know you'll get sick too if you don't stay away from me," she warned.

"I thought you werent sick and felt fine," He mocked reaching down and pinching her nipple.

"Stop," She whined at him through shivers and chattering teeth.

"I can't help it. They are just staring at me." He smirked and plopped down next her her, wrapping his arms around her shaking body.

"Nikki, you are gonna get..."

"You tell me I'm gonna get sick one more time and I will spank your ass."

"Is that's suppose to be a threat?"

He pulled her tighter and she finally gave in, sighing as she took in his warmth. "Please just at least rest so you don't make yourself worse.

"Fine," Ashten grumbled and turned on to her side to recline and rest her head on Nikki's lap as he placed his leather jacket over her in a makeshift blanket. Her body was aching so much it was the only position where she found any comfort. "I'm resting. Happy now?"

"No. I would have been happy if you'd done what I told you to do and stayed your ass in bed at the hotel," Nikki sighed, leaning is head back against the the couch and closing his eyes, fatigue and stress taking its toll.

Ashten closed her eyes and replayed the nightmare that had been the past twenty-four hours. Tommy was still stomping around mad as a hornet and had some additional choice words for them after the intial blowup. It happened right after he saw them kiss before the guys hit the stage.

"You think you're the only one?! That you aren't just another on a LONG list of assistants or dancers or whatever he's nailed?" Tommy snarled at her. "Jesus fucking Christ he's the reason we even have those rules!"

"That's bullshit! It's because of ALL of us. And you fucking know it!" Nikki spat back at him.

Tommy shook his head and glared at Ashten. "This is some bullshit I'd expect from him but not you. Thought you were better than this. Hope it was worth it."

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