Part 10: Live Wire

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Part 10: In which it all hits the fan......

Nikki's POV

I waited for Ashten. She had walked James to his car and still wasn't back almost 30 minutes later. I immediately felt a rush of heat shoot through my body as I thought about what might have been going on in his car. Or maybe she changed her mind and decided to go home with him after all. Or maybe they were at her place, and he was bending her over her couch. No, I shook my head at myself, Storm was there. Ashten wouldn't fuck some random guy while my daughter was home. That thought did give me a little relief. Now my big problem was figuring how to cut James out. I decided the best way was to go through Tommy.

"Sup, dude?" Tommy asked as I approached him at the bar.

"Not much," I replied taking a swig out of my drink. "James and Ashten looked a little friendly." I tried to sound as casual as possible, but even I could hear the venom in my voice.

"So?" Tommy checked out a few chicks that were passing by.

"So, don't you have this rule about your employees not dating your band members?"

"Yeah, I do," Tommy laughed and slapped me on the shoulder. "But James isn't one of my band mates. He's one of yours. It's outta my jurisdiction."

Dammit. He had me there. I frowned and had to think quickly. "Don't you think it may cause some problems?"

"For who, Sixx?" Tommy rolled his eyes and I could tell he had absolutely no interest in having this conversation. "Look, dude, she's hot! James is a good looking dude. You're acting like she is your sister or something. They're adults and if you are worried she is going to interfere with Sixx AM, forget it. That's never gonna happen. If the girl wants to get laid, let her get laid!"

"I do want her to get laid!" I said loudly enough for a few people to look in our direction. Tommy and I looked around and kind of waived at everyone and lowered my voice. "I mean, I want her to be happy."

"Good," he swallowed his drink. "I don't even know why you give a shit anyway."

Fuck! I could see Tommy was going to be no help, whatsoever. I walked away. I couldn't deal with this right now and as much as I tried to make it go away, the image of James putting his hands on her and making her moan wouldn't escape my mind. I couldn't stand the thought of her being touched by someone who wasn't me.

That night was a turning point for me. I didn'twant to argue with Ashten anymore. I didn't want to just be friends. I didn't just want to just fuck her. I loved her. I was in love her and I didn't know what the fuck to do about it.

"Bro," I heard Tommy's voice and turned around, surprised to see Gunner standing next to him. "We got a problem."

"What's up?" I asked, looking from Tommy to Gunner, who looked like he would rather be caged in with a hungry tiger.

"Ashten asked me to come find you," Gunner said, looking at the ground andshifting from one foot to another.

I was almost ecstatic to hear that Ashten was still here and was looking for me. But, something in Gunner's tone told me all was not well. "Is she ok?" I Felt a little panicked.

"She's fine, dude," Tommy answered for Gunner. "It's Storm."


After I called the cops, I sent Gunner to look for Nikki and Tommy. While I waited for them to get back, I got the photo album with the picture of me on Halloween many years ago wearing that damn jumpsuit and those leather boots. I wanted to confirm with Gunner that she was indeed wearing that but I prayed to God she wasn't. Maybe that way Nikki would spare my life.

Red Hot ~Nikki Sixxजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें