Part 57: Somebody Get Me a Doctor

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A/N: This part needs no introduction.....enter at your own risk 😉

Much love to my amazing Beta who keeps me in check and cleans up my mess!! Thank you for your help! 😘

Luckily, amid the Christmas Eve chaos, Tommy's house didn't burst into flames nor did anything of considerable value meet an untimely demise. It turned out to be quite a nice evening with the cookie baking and Lee tradition of Chinese take-out, a la A Christmas Story, for dinner. Then Ashten made hot chocolate for the kids and the family sat down to watch It's A Wonderful Life.

It was a perfectly cozy Christmas Eve.

That's when Nikki somehow lost track of her, something he was finding more and more unsettling with every passing moment. He chewed the side of his cheek as he looked at the unread text messages he'd sent.

It's not like he needed to know exactly where she was at all times. He'd never been that kind of guy. It's that she'd just disappeared at some point during the movie and wasn't answering her phone.

And he had questions that needed answers.

She'd kissed him that afternoon. Like, really kissed him. And throughout the evening they'd exchanged a few looks that made Tommy look at them suspiciously.

He should have felt ridiculously giddy and he did. But he was still apprehensive.

What did it mean? Did she forgive him? Were they back or was it just a momentary crack in the armor Ashten had put up for her protection?

He couldn't get a read on her. And it was driving him insane.

Luckily, he didn't have to sweat it out too long. After he'd put Frankie to bed he checked his phone and was elated that he had a message waiting for him.

A: Come over

He didn't remotely hesitate to respond as he practically ran down the stairs.

N: On my way

He was nearly at a dead run by the time he made it out to the patio and over to Asthen's front door. He let himself in and walked through the foyer to the living room.

"HONEY I'M-- HOLY shit!"

Nikki's loud bellow quickly turned into a mumble. He had to blink a few to make sure his eyes weren't deceiving him.

Surely, this had to be nothing more than the beginning of a wet dream.

Perched on an armchair, illuminated only by the firelight and the white lights of the Christmas tree, was a vision nothing short of spectacular.

It wasn't the sheer, lace topped black stockings that ran up her legs to her mid-thigh, although those were nice. Nor was it the ample amount of cleavage peeking out from under black lace that was tripping Nikki's trigger. It wasn't even the candy cane she had hooked around her index finger, the top grazing her full lips and slipping into her mouth.

All of that was magnificent. But the cherry on top of that luscious sundae was something that had been invading his senses for months.

Over the top of what he assumed was lingerie, Ashten wore her long, white, physician's coat.

And it was everything he knew it could be.

"Oh, hello Mr. Sixx," she said gazing at him seductively as she slowly removed the candy cane from between her lips.

Nikki's eyes flared slightly and he worked his jaw when he caught the swipe of her tongue across her bottom lip. He leaned himself against her door frame to keep from falling over.

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