Part 60: Long Cold Winter

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A cold chill ran through Nikki as he stepped out onto Rockefeller Plaza and was met with the harsh bitter blast of New York winter wind. He'd forgotten how cold a Manhattan February could be and had been remiss in bundling himself up properly before leaving the building. Closing and buttoning up his coat, he exhaled deeply, his breath visible and nearly as thick as cigarette smoke while he journeyed across the street for a caffeine fix.

On the upside, at least the cold invigorated him a little as he made the quick trip for his coffee. He'd been up since 5:30 that morning and was on day five of a press junket for the new album and the recently announced CrueFest in the summer.

Thus far, his day had consisted of two TV appearances and he'd just finished his second radio interview of the day. He couldn't help but feel wiped out as the sun was beginning to set. He climbed into his waiting car and his driver began navigating him to the two additional scheduled obligations before he could get back to his hotel.

Sitting in stop-and-go traffic in the middle of Manhattan, Nikki closed his eyes and leaned back against the soft leather headrest, while an old Raspberries tune from the local classic rock radio filtered through the speakers. He relished the break but would be more than delighted when it was all done and he could go home.

Not that he minded New York. He loved it. Especially the memories it brought back to him. Particularly the somewhat blurrier ones from the 80s when he and his best friend, Robbin Crosby, would wreak havoc on the NYC bars.

He missed Robbin. He missed being home. He especially missed a certain sandy blonde siren waiting for him in L.A.

Hopefully he'd stay awake long enough to have a naughty FaceTime session with her later. All he'd been able to think about was running his hands up and between her long, beautifully sculpted legs.

He missed every part of her, but it was the sound of her moaning his name over and over, and the keenness of her voice as she dissolved in the throes of ecstasy, that powered his imaginings of her the last few days.

Three more days.

Only three more days until he was home and could get the real thing. Three days until he'd be buried so deep in Ashten, he wouldn't know where she starts and he ends.

His phone blared, knocking him out of his coital daydream. He contemplated just ignoring it altogether and continuing to take advantage of the few private moments he had for the day.

That is until he looked at the screen and saw twelve missed calls from his son.


"Ow! Stop that!", Tommy whined as the tennis ball he attempted to catch seemed to take an alternate route and bounced off his forehead.

"It was an accident," Ashten declared with a shrug. It most definitely wasn't. Tommy had been bitching and moaning for days and it was driving her out of her mind.

"All of these were fucking accidents?"

Perturbed, he motioned to the multiple welts forming on his face before tossing the ball back to her, their game of catch part of his post-surgical shoulder recovery.

"Good throw." Ashten nodded in approval at Tommy's range of motion.

"Sweet. Can I get in the pool now?"


"Why not?" Another frustrated whine escaped his lips while he looked longingly at the shimmering water from his perch on his patio chair.

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