Part 31: More Snow Daze

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Chapter 31

The rest of the game went by pretty quickly.  By the beginning of the fourth quarter, the Irish pretty much had it locked down.  Another touchdown with five minutes left on the clock sealed the deal causing the bar to erupt in celebration.  Hugs and fist bumps were exchanged among the football fans and as the commotion died down to a dull roar, the bartender set two kamikaze shooters in front of us.

"Did you order these?" I asked Jozie.

"Nope.  Sent from some dude named Derek," the bartender announced taking our empty glasses away.

"Pass," I grimaced in annoyance and slid my glass over to Jozie.  

"Guess someone hasn't quite gotten the picture yet." She muttered tossing a strand of curly blond hair over her shoulder and turning in her chair to face me. 

"Guess not.  And apparently I have the words "fuck me" tattooed across my forehead."  I chuckled and ran my hand through my hair, letting my elbow rest on the bar as I sat sideways in my chair.

"Dude is persistent.  I'll give him that." She tossed her shot back and licked her lips.  "Either that or he has a death wish."

"Who knows?  Who cares?" I rolled my eyes and shrugged while Jozie excused herself to hit the ladies' room. 

She'd been gone a total of three seconds when Derek hopped into her empty chair and set his empty beer glass on the bar.  Jesus, was he just waiting for her to walk away?

"Nice win," He stated turning in his chair to face me. 

"Yes it was." I gave a single nod and sipped my beer.

"You went to school there, didn't you?" He pointed at the ND Football emblem stenciled on my fitted V-neck tee.  I watched his eyes hover over the wording before settling on my chest. 

"Yep," I answered politely, turning slightly in my seat to angle myself more towards the bar, folding my arms across my body.

"You don't sound like you were raised in Indiana.  I'm guessing you are from somewhere in the south?"

"South Carolina.  By way of Kentucky. So you'd be guessin' right." My lips curled into a smile when heard my own voice.  Nikki was right.  I drop my G's when I drink.

Derek hummed and nodded thanks to the bartender when he set a fresh beer in front of him. I watched out the corner of my eye as he sipped his drink and eyed me again.  "I may need to relocate.  They don't make 'em like you where I come from."

"Do come ons like that ever actually work for you?" I snickered silently and, in spite of myself, gave a slight smile at the lame line. I took that moment to really look at him. Tall with a nice build. Dark hair that hit his shoulders and nice blue eyes. Would actually be a good looking guy if he kept his mouth shut.

"Not sure. I'll let you know tomorrow." He grinned at me as he slid the shooter I'd passed to Jozie back to me.  "You know I don't know how they do things in Carolina or Kentucky but where I come from it's considered rude to decline when someone buys you a drink."

"Is that a fact?" I shot him a bored look.

"Yep," he popped the P and I swatted his hand away when he reached over in an attempt to tuck a strand of hair behind my hair.  He gave me a closed mouth smile with a low chuckle and leaned in closer to me, placing his hand on my knee. "Didn't your mama teach you manners?"

"She did," I scowled trying to scoot away from him, which only caused him to tighten his hold on me and move his hand up towards my thigh.  I reached down and gripped his wrist, sucking a breath through my teeth.  "Didn't your mom teach you that buying a lady a drink doesn't give you the right to touch her?"

Red Hot ~Nikki SixxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora