Part 35: A Family Affair

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"Oh fuck, that was amazing!" Ashten flopped down on her back spent and panting, her legs the consistency of Jell-O.         

"Told ya." Jozie flopped down next to her and gulped down half a bottle of water.

Still out of breath, Ashten merely hummed agreement as she toweled the sweat from her face and chest.  It was Thanksgiving morning and Jozie, ever the personal trainer and fitness enthusiast, insisted they needed a hard workout before spending the day gorging on food and booze.  She found out the hotel gym offered several classes and decided the dancers in them needed to try out a cardio hip-hop session to kind of break the monotony of their usual workouts.  They ended up being impressed at how intense the cardio actually was; hence, both of them sprawled out on a mat gasping for air. 

"You know if Tommy walked in right now and saw us laying together all sweaty and breathing hard we could probably make a fortune."  Jozie giggled and took another swig of water.

"Could probably get a few bucks out of Nikki, too." Ashten snorted a laugh and took a swig of her own water bottle before sitting up and reaching down to her toes to get in a good stretch. 

"Damn, look at it out there." Josie stretched her arms over her head and gazed out the windows at an immaculate view of palm trees, white sandy beaches, and crystal blue ocean water.  The 85-degree weather as well as the hotel's luxurious pool areas just added to the tropical landscape.

"Can you believe just a few short weeks ago we were under a few feet of snow?" Ashten twisted her upper body to give her back and sides a stretch.

"Nope.  Which is why I am spending the day in the sun doing absolutely nothing.  Do you still have things to get done for tonight?"

"Nope, everything's taken care of.  I'm with you all the way." Ashten nodded as her phone began to ring.  She gave a slight smile as she picked up to answer.  "Hey!"

Jozie, figuring it was probably Nikki, continued to stretch and listened to Ashten's part of the conversation with half an ear.

"What?" Ashten said to the caller.  "You are??.....You're lying, you are not......Seriously?.....Ok, I'll be there in a minute." She pressed end and smiled at the screen.

"Sixx?" Jozie inquired.

"No, apparently there is something waiting for me in the lobby." Ashten stood up and stretched her legs.  "I gotta go.  Breakfast at the pool with the boys in thirty?"

"I'm there."


Thirty minutes later Jozie made her way down to the pool and was more than amazed to find Nikki, DJ, and Tommy already camped out at one of the poolside table, a mini breakfast smorgasbord spread before them that included pitchers of breakfast cocktails.  Nikki was typically an early riser so that was no huge surprise but Tommy and DJ up before noon was like spotting Bigfoot.  No one ever really got to see it and the existence was doubtful.

"Dude, you are wrong." DJ argued.

"I am not!" Tommy defended.  "I'm telling you, it's true.  I have kids and I know this shit."

"Know what shit?" Jozie asked as she approached the table, unable to keep from overhearing the passionate discussion from almost twenty feet away. 

"Josie!  Happy Thanksgiving!" Tommy greeted excitedly.  "Here, have a drink."

"Fine, ask Jozie," DJ offered, lighting a cigarette.

"Ask me what?" She took the empty champagne flute and pitcher of mimosas from Tommy, pouring herself a glass. 

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