Part 54: St. Nikki, Part 1

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Greetings to one and all!

Ok, so this chapter was actually one very LONG chapter but I decided to cut into two parts so I could get something out to you.  Lord knows you have waited long enough.  Thanks for hanging with me.  I love reading your comments and thank you so much for all the great things you have said and just for reading.

Oh and there are spoilers for The Godfather. So if you haven't seen it, I'm sorry.

Love you!

Nikki left for Idaho the morning after shitty TV and cake night. The following 10 days he was gone were probably the longest and loneliest of Ashten's life. Time just seemed to stand agonizingly still. Plus, she had this constant weirded out feeling that she couldn't quite pinpoint. It was a bizarre hodgepodge of sadness, remorse, anxiety and something that resembled excitement.

It was so bizarre because things between them hadn't yet been settled, but knowing he was hundreds of miles away left a Nikki shaped hole in her heart. And for the life of her, she couldn't figure out why. It's not like they hadn't been in different cities before.

There was one plus to the actual physical distance in that it somehow made them communicate more. While Nikki was gone they texted almost constantly and talked for hours on end. It seems it was easier for both of them to share things via text because it allowed time for actual thinking before speaking.

Interestingly, they were getting reacquainted while simultaneously getting to know each other on an even deeper level that sometimes can't be reached for a while when you were in close proximity with someone.

Not that all of their interactions were meaningful and intense. For example, the conversation the night before his return went something like this:

N: Hey, Sweet Girl. Are you up?

A: Seriously? It's not even 10:30. You know how long it's been since I've been in bed before 10:30?

N: Actually...yeah, I do......I believe it was in Cabo...😈🍆

A: 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄

N: You were thinking it too and you know it.

A: You can't prove anything. Is everyone there in bed already?

N: For the most part. The kids are wiped out from skiing and they crashed early. I'm in bed getting ready to watch a movie...

A: Porn?

N: Why, Dr. Montgomery! I am shocked at such accusations. Never in my life.....

A: Uh huh. So, girl on girl?

A: Lubed up or just using your own spit? 😂

N: You better watch that filthy mouth.

A: Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?

N: If I think about that I won't need porn.

N: And for the record, dirty girl, I'm not watching porn. The Godfather's coming on in about 5 minutes.

A: For real? What channel?


A: Nice! I thought they were only doing Christmas movies right now.

N: The Godfather could be a Christmas movie.

A: Yeah...Sonny being gunned down and Michael's wife getting blown to bits is super festive.

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