Part 18: Bastard

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Five minutes later, Ashten and I were still standing on the balcony. Well, I was standing. She had sat down with her chin resting on her fist and she stared blindly at the patio door. She was absolutely silent and completely still. I had to stare at her for a few good seconds just to make sure she was still breathing. I squatted down with her and put my hand on her back.

"Ashten?" I spoke as gently as I could.

"Yeah," She whispered back.

"Honey, Nikki's on his way up here. If you don't want to see him, you better get out of here. Now."

She nodded as a single tear began to roll from her left eye. She quickly wiped it away, not allowing it to hit further than the top of her cheekbone. She allowed me to guide us both to a standing position, "Yeah, I know."

She gave me a small smile and released a short breath as she grabbed her clutch to tuck in her cigarette and lighter. Suddenly, she stopped and looked at me again.

"Fuck," she muttered, looking completely lost. "I rode here with Tommy AND Nikki. I don't even know how I'm gonna get home."

I'd never seen Ashten look so unglued. She began to nibble on her bottom lip and as she looked at me, her eyes glistened with the threat of fresh tears. Fucking Nikki.

"Come on," I said, hooking my arm through hers. "We'll figure it out."

"Ok," she sniffed.

We turned to walk to the patio door but stopped short as Nikki appeared.

Nikki's POV

Once Ashten made eye contact with me, it took about a tenth of a second for her eyes to fill with rage. Then, it took another millisecond for her mouth to curve into an all too familiar nasty little smirk. Jesus Christ, she had perfected MY SMIRK!


Dude, the next thing I knew, Ashten grabbed me by the back of my hair and slammed her lips against mine. Trust me, I totally knew this had nothing to do with me and EVERYTHING to do with getting under Sixx's skin, but that didn't stop me from playing along. I wrapped my left hand around the back of her neck and opened my mouth to let her play with my tongue. She smashed herself closer against me and did a quick nibble of my lower lip. I ran my other hand over her hip and started to wonder how far she was gonna go with this when she released her grip on my hair and pulled away. I sucked in a breath and couldn't help the retarded grin that started to spread across my face.

As I wiped my mouth, Ashten slowly walked towards a bewildered Nikki, her icy gaze and Sixx-like smirk reappearing. For a moment, I thought she was going to glide right past him, but she stopped just as she reached his side. Without even looking at him she leaned in.

"Do something about THAT, Asshole," She muttered in smug satisfaction before disappearing through the doorway.

Nikki, so still he was practically statuesque, let out a deep breath and locked eyes with me. The silence that followed was piercing. I knew I should have feared for my life, but I couldn't stop smiling. That girl could fucking kiss. Damn dude.


Am I the only member of SIXX AM this woman wouldn't make out with?!

So, as it turned out, Ashten was capable of playing dirty, too. Even though I knew the kiss she laid on DJ was just to prove a point, it still made me want to grab him by his lip piercing and chuck him off the balcony. Or, at least, smack the goofy ass grin off his face. Truth be told, I was actually so shocked, the only thing I could do was glare at him.

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