Part 53: Sweet Dreams

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I'm getting quicker!  Thank you all so much for all of the love. Here is the next installment......

"Oh, thank God!" Ashten let out an enormous sigh of relief as she sat on edge of the bed and finally unzipped the torture devices she called boots. Her aching feet cried out in gratitude.

"Emph, k." Stella slurred, her face buried in her pillow and under a pile of thick red hair.

"Yeah I feel the same way." Ashten chuckled and used a hair tie to pull the ginger tresses up into a high bun and away from her comatose friend's face.

The guys left the bar not too long after her encounter with Nikki and then Stella took it upon herself to be the evening's designated drunk. Almost out of nowhere the multiple cocktails seemed to hit her all at once which put an abrupt end to any and all festivities. After their driver dropped Jozie off he deposited the other two girls at Tommy's where Ashten walked her wobbly chum inside. She put her to bed and left some aspirin and a bottle of water on the night stand before closing the bedroom door.

Ashten made her way down the staircase and eventually out the patio door. Once outside she felt the breeze of the slight December in California chill kiss her face. The gentle air also brought the aroma of a lit and expensive cigar.

She followed her nose over to the pool and to where Nikki stood  with his camera looking out over the skyline. As she approached, she placed the boots she'd been carrying on one of the patio chairs, the slight noise causing him to look  fondly in her direction.


"Hey." Ashten smiled warmly. "Aren't you supposed to be packing?"

"Yeah, but couldn't help myself." He held up his camera and shrugged then reached for the ashtray that held his cigar.

"I can see why," she replied, her eyes scanning the horizon and taking in the amazing site of all the LA lights in the distance as she stepped closer.  The stars sparkled brightly  against the dark blue night sky.  The beauty of it nearly took her breath away.  "God, sometimes I forget how gorgeous it is up here."

"Yeah," Nikki nodded in agreement, a cheeky grin spreading over his face. "Second best view I've seen tonight."

Ashten felt heat rush to her cheeks and gave him a shy smile.

"You're home early." Nikki looked down at his phone noting the time was just past eleven.

"Yeah, well thanks to a sloppy drunk my dream of pajamas and shitty TV is getting ready to become a reality." She watched Nikki focus his lens and take a few shots.

"How was your evening?" The side of his mouth curled up slightly while he continued to look the view finder. "Any creepy old guys hit on you?"

"He wasn't creepy," She pursed her lips in amusement and gave him a side glance.


"Wanna know what's really funny?"

"What?" He paused his photography and plucked his cigar from the ashtray to take a drag.

"Thanks to you now Tommy thinks I'm into a guy named Warren."

Nikki blew out the sweet smelling smoke through a laugh. "I can see Warren's appeal. He did give you a wet pussy and all."

She raised both eyebrows before huffing out an awkward laugh. "That's true."

Very true. More then he knew.

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