Part 14: Kiss and Make-up

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Tommy's POV

"I still think you should wear that small black dress. It works for any occasion." Stella offered her advice from her perch on the end of Ashten's bed.

Ashten frowned as she held up different outfits against her and looked in the mirror. It was the age old "what the hell do I wear" conflict that all chicks go through. Should she dress up? And if she did, would it look like she was trying too hard? Or, should she keep it very casual and just go with jeans? And if she did THAT, would it look like she couldn't care less? Revealing or conservative? Should she wear black? Should she wear white? Should she wear a fucking rainbow? Frustrated, she sighed and threw the two outfits she currently held onto the floor and rubbed the sides of her head.

"There is no way to dress for this." She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. "I don't even know where we're going."

"Which is exactly why the black dress is perfect," Stella reiterated.

Ashten shook her head in doubt. "I just don't know."

"Then why don't you do your hair and makeup first and then pick something out," I suggested from my seat in the chair next to Ashten's bed. They had insisted I come over and help. Supposedly, I was needed for a guy opinion. Yeah fucking right. They hadn't let me speak for half an hour.

The two women in the room suddenly looked at me like I just suggested we all go club a baby seal. "You CANNOT do hair and make-up before you pick out the clothes. What if you do your make-up and it totally clashes with your clothes? Then you've gotta start all over again," Stella informed me.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes. "Sorry, I left my Chicktionary at the main house. Do you want ME to pick something?"

"No," they said in unison.

"Why not?" I stood up and folded my arms across my chest. "I'm good with clothes."

"I know that. But if you had your way, I'd walk out of here looking like a cheap hooker," Ashten replied.

"Not a CHEAP one," I smiled. "Dude, you have a massive closet full of designer clothes. Just pick something. It's not like it really matters anyway."

"Why not?" Ashten inquired.

Again, I rolled my eyes. "Ash, he's a GUY! Nine times out of ten we don't give a fuck what you are wearing. You could show up in a Hefty bag and the only thing we would give a fuck about is whether or not you are gonna take it off."

"A Hefty bag?" Ashten narrowed her eyes and placed her hands on her hips. "Are you suggesting that my ass is so big that the only thing that would fit me is a Hefty bag?"

"No!" I exclaimed. Fuck, I don't think it was this difficult trying to get Heather or Pamela ready to go somewhere. "Fuck it," I grumbled as I stomped over to Ashten's closet and began rummaging through it. "," I said, as I went from hanger to hanger, discarding what I didn't like. After about five, I found it.

"Yes," I said, pulling a dress from the rack. It was a short, sleeveless, empire waisted dress. The top was solid black satin and flowed into lace, which covered up the beige satin layer underneath. I liked it. Simple and flashy at the same time.

"This one," I handed it to Ashten.

She raised her eyebrows and took the hanger. "God, I forgot I had this. I don't think I've even ever worn it."

"Go try it on," I gently grabbed her by the shoulders, swirled her around in the direction of her bathroom and gave her a nudge. As she went, I dove back into her closet in search of shoes. I was eyeballing some sort of platform strappy thing when Sixx poked his head in.

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