Part 16: Just Another Psycho

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Part 16: In which our hero steps up his game.....

Nikki's POV

Just to preface, I am very well aware that the next few actions on my part could be considered somewhat stalker-like. Fuck, they were all out psychotic. That being said, I decided the best way to get to Ashten was to do everything I could to be around her as much as possible. That wasn't easy given my schedule, or Ashten's, for that matter. I had to take every opportunity I could get, or make things happen on my own.

A week or so after I started having the nightly pornographic dreams starring Ashten Montgomery, I was at the Virgin Mega Store in LA doing a book signing for the Heroin Diaries. Things went well. The fans were incredible, as always, and I was so busy taking pictures and talking with everyone I hadn't realized three hours had flown by and the whole thing was over. Next thing I knew, I was walking to the parking lot to head to a meeting at Kelly Gray's office. On my way to the car, I paused long enough to light a cigarette and I happened to glance across the street at a small deli. Ashten was sitting at one of the outdoor tables having lunch. With James. Interesting, considering the chat I'd had with him a few days prior.  Clearly, I didn't get my point across.   

I searched my mind for a way to disturb this sickening rendezvous and smiled to myself when I came up with brilliant idea. I fished my cell phone out of my pocket and placed a call to Tommy. I knew damn well he wouldn't answer because he was at the beach with Brandon and Dylan. No cell phones allowed when he was with his boys. I just wanted to make sure my number showed up on his caller id in case any of this came up later. Always cover your bases. The next number I dial was Ashten's. From my angle, I saw her put down her fork and pick up her cell.

"Hey, Nikki," she answered. I know it's going to sound dorky, but the fact that I now knew my number was programmed into her phone made me smile.

"Hey, Ashten," I replied. Time to pour it on thick. "Listen, I HATE to bother you, but do you know where Tommy is? He's not answering his phone.

"Yeah, he's got the boys today. I think they went to Malibu. Why, what's up? Is he supposed to be at the studio?"

"Oh," I replied, putting on my best damsel in distress act. "I was gonna see if he could pick me up. I have an appointment to get to and I've got a fucking flat tire."

"That sucks."

"Yeah. Well, look, I'll just grab a cab or call Gunner, or something," I replied, knowing she was too nice not to offer assistance.

"Where are you?"

"Virgin Mega store. Where are you?" I almost wanted to ask what she was wearing.

From where I was standing, I saw her head pop up and angle in my direction. "Right across the street."

"No shit?" I exclaimed, making it sound like the world's biggest coincidence.

"Yeah," she replied, chewing on something. Hopefully not James. "I can come get you. What time is your meeting?"

"2:30," I replied, looking at my watch. It was 1:26. "You're sure it's no trouble?"

"Not at all," she replied.

"Great," I replied, and told her to meet me in the back parking lot at Virgin. I watched as she hung up and, I assumed, told James she had to go. I pulled my Swiss army knife from my right jeans pocket. I walked to the back of my Denali and took a quick look around before jamming the blade into the left rear tire. Instant flat.

After slashing my own tire (I know, pathetic), I had just enough time to contact a towing company and while I waited for Ashten to get there I shot a quick text to James.   Apparently, I hadn't made myself clear. 

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