Part 36: Wolf At Your Door

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"What the fuck are you doing?" Ashten demanded, pulling her knees up and scooting herself to sit on the back of the armchair in order to put some distance between her and the man currently invading her personal space.

Derek, his hands still resting on the sides of the chair, stood at his full height, his eyes not leaving hers as he shrugged and tossed her a nonchalant grin.  "You walked away before we could finish our conversation."

"Believe me. That conversation was over before it ever started."

"I just thought you'd be interested in knowing I had a dream about you last night."

"You thought wrong," Ashten quipped, "and I think I've been very clear about how uninterested I am."

"So, I've noticed." Derek smirked crossing his arms over his chest backing up a few steps to lean against the pool table.

"Really?  Because your relentless pursuit and stalker like actions have proven otherwise." 

He huffed out an amused grunt.  "Don't women like being chased?"

"Women," she said, tossing her legs over the side of the chair to stand, "like a lot of things, Derek.  Including being treated with respect and men who respect their choices. Thus far, I have made a choice to not be around you, yet you STILL act like you are one wet dream away from humping my leg."

"Is that an invitation?" He raised his eyebrows in amusement as he took a step closer to her.

"Hardly," She scoffed.

"You never know.  You might like it," Derek sang.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to miss out on what I'm sure would be the best ten seconds of my life," Ashten feigned disappointment as she took a step towards the door.  "Hate to break it to you but it would take more than a lick and a flick to get me off."

"Something I'm sure Sixx knows all too well," Derek commented, dryly.

Ashten stopped in her tracks and jerked her head back to him, an astonished look on her face.  "What did you just say?"

Derek, his arms still crossed, took a few slow steps towards her.  "Oh, sweetheart.  Did you REALLY think I didn't know that he's fucking you?  You think I didn't know the second he followed me in the elevator like a pit bull and threatened me?

"You don't know shit," Ashten muttered quietly as soon as she found her voice.

"I know enough to know that men don't act like rabid dogs unless there's pussy involved."

"Whatever you say." She narrowed her eyes and swallowed, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible hoping he would buy it.

Derek let out a snarky laugh.  "Oh, so you're gonna stand here and deny it."

"Nothing to deny."

"So, yesterday in the hallway when he was practically nailing you to the wall.  That was just what?  A friendly gesture?"

"You saw us?" Ashten breathed out, her stomach churning with disgust.

Derek hummed a confirmation as he scratched the back of his neck.  "Just one of the many times I've gotten to see the show.  I think my favorite was the other day when he bent you over the couch in his dressing room.  You guys probably should have made sure the door was locked." Derek chuckled before placing his finger to his lip and looking to the ceiling as if in deep thought.  "I should ask Tommy if he saw it too."

"You are disgusting," Ashten interrupted, seething, her voice spitting pure venom.  "Disgusting, pathetic and jealous."

"Of Nikki?"

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