Part 13: Relief

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Ashten's POV

As predicted, it took forever to get downtown to get the car, and I swear to God, if I heard one more thing about cocks and titties fly out of Tommy's mouth I was fully prepared to literally kick him out of the car and leave him for dead on Ventura Boulevard.

Although, there was one bright spot in the day. While Tommy and I were sitting in dead stop traffic, James called and asked if I wanted to meet him for dinner that night. I was totally shocked to hear from him. I know he had told me the night before to expect a call from him that day, but in guy speak that meant two or three days. So imagine my surprise when I heard his voice on the other end of the line. I immediately accepted the dinner invitation. I hoped I didn't sound too desperate.

"Fuck yeah!" Tommy exclaimed after I told him about my dinner plans. "Dude, are you stoked?"

"Yeah," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant, although I'm sure the ear to ear grin on my face was a dead giveaway. "Damn, what am I going to wear?" I wondered aloud.

"Something hot," Tommy replied, even though I, technically, wasn't talking to him. "Preferably something that shows off your big titties."

Titties. There we went with the titties again. I rolled my eyes and scowled at Tommy. "What if James isn't a tit man?"

"He's a tit man. Trust me. We all are. Any man who says he isn't a tit man is a fucking liar."

"There are guys who are ass men," I offered.

"Yep," Tommy replied as he pulled into the LAPD impound lot. "Asses, hips, thighs, lips. We all pretty much like it all. But, titties are a whole different thing." He parked the car and glanced at me for a moment. "Actually, you should go with showing off the titties AND the ass. Go with your strengths. Besides, you need to make up for the fact that you didn't give it up last night."

I wouldn't be so sure about that, I thought to myself as Tommy got out and went to collect the black SUV that was now considered stolen property. It was only minutes later as I slid into the driver's seat and breathed in the leather interior smell of the Lexus that my mind wandered back to Nikki. Fuck, I thought as I followed Tommy back to the house. Could I really go out with James not knowing what really went on with Nikki the night before? No, I couldn't. I've never been able to do something like that. It wasn't just because of the feelings I developing for Nikki. It was about my self-respect. But, dammit, I really wanted to do some playing around with James. Especially since Nikki was so far out of reach. My mind was so full and I could feel myself starting to do the classic "Ashten freak out." You would think someone with a PHD in psychology could get a better grip on her emotions. Maybe I should prescribe myself some Prozac.

By the time I got back to Tommy's the frenzy I had whipped myself into had all but subsided. I'd decided to suck it up and just come out and ask Nikki what happened. I can do this, I thought to myself. I can be an adult and clear the air with him.

As I pulled into Tommy's driveway and parked the Lexus in front of the guesthouse, I assured myself I was ready. That is, until I walked towards my front door and caught a glimpse of Nikki sitting by the pool. Yeah. He definitely had no shirt on and even though the entire exposed part of his body was covered by tattoos, I could still see the tone of his chest and stomach, not to mention his perfectly defined arms. Oh yeah, let's not forget the sunglasses and navy blue bandana he had tied around his forehead, or the knee length dark green board shorts that hung low on his hips. Great. I was supposed to talk to him like an adult and all I wanted to do was lick him. Perfect.

"Son of a bitch! I cannot do this." I grumbled.

"Do what?" I jumped, not realizing Tommy was standing right behind me. I really need to start keeping my thoughts to myself around here.

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