Part 6: Ride with the Devil

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Ok, so I deserved that. Actually, truth be told, I deserved way more than a tequila marinated crotch.  I'm pretty surprised the girl hadn't slugged me yet. I had gone out of my way to be terrible to her since the day she started working for Tommy. It wasn't her fault. Ashten had done nothing to warrant my nasty attitude towards her. I just couldn't help it. Something about her just did something to me.  I just didn't know what or why.

After she threw her drink at me and stormed off I jumped up and started wiping the frozen cocktail off my jeans. I exchanged glances with Tommy who looked about as pissed as I was.

"Dude, what the fuck?!" He exclaimed, motioning after her.

I shrugged. "I don't fucking know, man. I was trying to apologize to her and I guess it just came out wrong." 

Stella jumped out of her chair. "Uh, guys, she's pissed off and she's got quite a few drinks in her. Don't you think maybe one of us should stop her from driving?"

Tommy glared at me as he reached in his pocket to take care of the tab. "Yeah, ONE of us should, shouldn't he?" he remarked, slapping a few bills on the bar.

"Pass," I replied, cleaning margarita mix off my thigh.

Tommy and I began to argue when Stella slammed her fist against the bar. "Enough! I'll take care of it. God forbid either one of you ever have to handle your own dirty work."

"What did I do?" Tommy asked, giving her a puzzled look.

Stella snatched her purse off the bar and glared at Tommy while pointing at me. "Nothing. You've done absolutely nothing and that's the problem. You've sat back and allowed Ashten to be tormented by this......humongous jackass!"

She then turned to me and poked her finger in my chest, hard. "You're lucky she hasn't clocked you."

I sighed in frustration. I couldn't argue with Stella because the bottom line is she was right. I made this bed and it was time for me to lie in it. "Fine," I tossed the bar towel I was using to dry off. "I'll go."

I turned and quickly made my way out of the bar, silently praying I hadn't caused Ashten to do something stupid. When I got out to the parking lot I saw her black Lexus still parked in its' spot but she was nowhere to be found. The sun was already almost gone and the only thing I could think was she maybe took off on foot.

"Son of a BITCH!" I screamed aloud.

"Oh God! What now?" I whipped around when I heard Ashten's voice. She sat on a bench just outside of the bar, smoking a cigarette and glaring at me. She took a long drag, exhaled, and put out the rest of the butt. "Did you really think I was dumb enough to drive?"

I couldn't believe the feeling of relief that suddenly washed over me. It was weird. I hadn't realized it until then but my heart was pounding out of my chest. I looked at her and nodded. "What were you going to do?"

Ashten shrugged. "Sit here and sober up, I guess. Or call a cab. I hadn't really thought about it."

I nodded and motioned towards the direction of my car. "Come on."

"With you?! Are you serious?!" She looked like she would rather sit on a rusty spike.

"Well, Princess, it's either that or take your chances walking down the Los Angeles highway at night. I'm sure some lonely trucker wouldn't mind bending over a sweet piece of ass like you." I couldn't believe I had just said that.

Ashten just shrugged again. "I like getting bent over."

Holy shit! Did she really just say THAT? I sucked in a breath when I felt her words make their way into my pants. It didn't help that I now had a mental image of Ashten face down and ass up. Except in my mental image, it wasn't a trucker pounding into her. For the first time since I could remember, I was speechless.

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