Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo!

Start from the beginning

"I want to build an igloo." Tk suggested.

"I'll help, if you tell me what it is." Palmon said.

"An igloo sounds scrumptious to me." Tentomon said.

"Too bad it's not edible." Izzy said

"Come on, get serious it would be terrible if it started snowing right now." Joe complained.

I half agreed with him. To be honest, not all of us have any protection from the cold, and if it did snow, we would be in serious trouble.

But, if it did snow, we could have at least a little fun for a while.

"Lighten up a little, Joe. We're just trying to look on the positive side of things." Sora said.

Tk looked up excitedly at Tai and me, "Hey Tai, Raya, when's iy gonna snow?" He asked with a huge smile.

"Probably any minute now." Tai answered.

"Right on Joe's head!" Matt shouted. I sighed, walking over to the tall blonde and jabbing my elbow into his side.

He gasped in slight pain and held his injired area, "Seriously, Raya, I think you're leaving permanent bruises there."

I chuckled and walked away.

Luna laughed amd junped from my shoulder into my warm arms. She snuggled deep into my embrace and sighed in comfort.

As we continued walking, we found what we've been hoping for.

"What's that white stuff?" Gomamon asked as we came to a field of white powder.

There it was. Snow!

But everyone had their fair share of problems with the snow, including me.

But, I pushed it away and began running in the snow, playing with Tk and Mimi as they threw snowballs at each other.

Suddenly, Agumon picked up a stramge scent.

"Whoa, wait a sec." He said, sniffing the air, "I think there's a weird odor in the air."

Biyomon took a whiff, "I do believe you're right."

I looked down at Lunamon, she knew what I was thinking and sniffed the air. She may be small, but her senses were better than anyone else's.

"Yeah, it kinda smells like hot water." She said, pointing far off to the right, "It's comimg from over there."

We all looked over and saw a line of steam clouds rising from their warm source.

Tk and Mimi gasped in excitement, "Wow, a hot spring!" They shouted.

Tk tuened around, ripped my jacket off his shoulder and quickly gave it to me.

"Now that we'll be somewhere warm, you can have it back, Raya." He said. I thanked him and put back on before running after the group towards the hopeful warm waters.

As we were running, pain struck my left leg. I winced at the pain, but wiped away my expression before anyone could notice.

But three pairs of eyes did notice. Matt, Tk and Luna were worried, because they knew what the cold would do to me.

I would have to dig into my bag of parts later away from the group.

We ran and ran, the air getting warmer as we came closer.

"Yippee, now I can take a bath!" Mimi shouted.

"And we can get warm!" Tk added.

However, our hopes of a nice warm soak in a hot spring was torn to bits.

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