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~ 2 months later, 1 week before the wedding~

"Oh my god I am so happy that you all got to go. I was so nervous that you wouldn't make it. It really means a lot guys. I'm sorry that because of us you needed to spend extra money just to travel to another country."

Lucas blabbered on and on as he and his friends along with his fiancée went down the road for a coffee and some sweets.

Jackson persuaded Ann after two whole months that Lucas and Brandon were planning their wedding. And it was a challenge for Jackson. You see if Ann sees something like that barely no one can persuade her on differential.

Now that it was everything settled and all their friends, even Joseph, were in America along with Brandon's and Lucas' families. They could just wait and enjoy their stay there. Lucas and Brandon still had some things to run around but it wasn't so hectic like in the beginning where both of them were stressing about everything.

~ The wedding day ~

"Do I look good? Oh my god I look really bad. Look at me, I'm like a ball. Those fat cheeks. How can I slim them?!" Erica and Anna laughed at Lucas as he was stending before the mirror in white tuxedo, black tie and black shoes. He turned around to his two friends who were accompanying him and scoffed at them. "You're not supposed to laugh at me, but help me!"

"Sorry hun but you stressing over like your puffed cheeks is just so adorable." Erica sighed wiping her imaginary tears, clasping her hands together right away.

Lucas just angrily looked at his best friend Ann who was still wheezing, nearly rolling on the floor. "Sorry... It's- it's just- bahahahahahahaha!" She burst out laughing again as Lucas pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I just don't see the reason what's just so funny about it." He said kind of grumpily. As Ann got her breath back, she stood up and went to him grabbing his cheeks and pinching them. "I don't see any fat here, do you Erica? I mean. I see and feel only paper like skin." Ann grinned at Lucas who looked at her, not believing. "Ann is right. Your cheeks are so slim that it looks like paper really. Stop stressing and even if they were chubby I don't think it would matter. Heck you're marrying the man of your life. I'm sure he won't run away if you had any bit of puffier or chubbier cheeks than now."

Erica said, sitting still watching her best friend as she was fixing Lucas tuxedo. "And smile, this is your big day Bubble." Ann smiled at Lucas who smiled in return little dimple on his left cheek showing, the two girls cooing internally.

"So... are you ready to go?" Anna asked as Erica was preparing her petals in a little basket. Lucas puffing out the air he had in his lungs and nodding. Ann grabbed his hands, and forced Lucas to look in her eyes. "Brandon loves you, you love him. You're in america, and you're getting married. You were through ups and downs but that never stopped you two from loving each other. Brandon can tear himself up just to satisfy your needs. So now breathe in and out. Put on a victorious smile and we can go, okay?"

Lucas smiled, breathed like Ann wanted and it was time for the three of them to enter the ballroom where the wedding room was prepared.

Music started playing and Erica entered first, throwing rose petals in the air. Right after her Anna with Lucas, by her side, walking down the aisle with grace.

Brandon was standing before the man that was going to seal their intermarriage. His breath hitched in his throat as he watched his lover, walking closer to him. Every step his lover take, was like his heartbeat. Slow motion with so much grace and spreading love through everyone there. He could only smile. His happiness couldn't be explained.

It was something that words couldn't describe. In any language that existed. Never had Brandon though that he was going to be that happy to be able to marry someone he truly loves.

As Lucas stood on Brandon's left side, the two faced the man, who immediately started his monologue.

"These two people are about to seal their lives together. If there's anyone that doesn't want their marriage to happen, they may speak or be silent for the rest of their lives."

No one dared to even breathe as the man said those two sentences. His smile was warm as he turned his attention on the two boys.

"You can tell your vows."

And now it was time for Brandon to tell his vows to Lucas. When the two of them turned face to face. Brandon couldn't let his smile get even wider, because by then, he surely wouldn't be able to close his mouth for the rest of his life.

"Lucas... I need to say I'm really sorry for all the things I've ever said before we could call each other ours... I was selfish and helpless teenager who didn't know what to do with life. But I got a new chance and that was when you befriended Ann. She was the one that helped me open my eyes and see what I was always thinking I've never experience... And it was you. Thanks to her beating and other things she did to me, I could finally see you. Your true self that I kept avoiding. And I'm more than happy that happened... And I promise you to make your life better. To make you feel like you're really and unconditionally loved. To make you live the life you deserve."

A few awwws good be heard through the crowd of their families and other friends.

"Brandon..." Lucas sniffed placing a hand in front of his face. "Now I will look ugly because I will cry." He sniffed again and whole room laughed along Brandon who just stared lovingly at his fiancée. "I love you so much, that I would just swear. I never imagined that you and I could be a thing after what happend. Heck I've never believed in us happening. But I'm more than glad to call you mine officially. To call you my husband and spend the rest of my life with you. I promise you I will do everything that is in my strength to please you and make your life living heaven. You mean so much to me that I can't bare with an image that you would just walk away from my life."

He hiccuped through his sentences, happy tears streaming down his face. Along their mothers and sisters.

You see both of their families were very healthy and had lot's of children. So everyone had around 12 cousins and 5 siblings.

"Do you Lucas Castro marry Sang-dul Brandon U as your rightful husband, and you promise to stay by his side through thick and thin, youth and oldness, health and diseases?"

"I do."

"And do you Sang-dul Brandon U marry Lucas Castro as your rightful husband, and you promise to stay by his side through thick and thin, youth and oldness, health and diseases?"

I do."

"You can exchange your wedding rings." The man said as Joseph walked up the stairs with two wedding rings on a velvet pillow.

The two of them exchanged their rings, Brandon holding Lucas' hands as he was shaking with silent hiccups.

"You can kiss your husband." The man said as he walked a few steps to the side so rice and rose petals wouldn't lend at him as the two kissed. Their sisters automatically taking pictures of both of them.

The kiss was sweet and it placed a little shiny crown on their little but very meaningful moment. Their lives were now sealed together.

A/N you see Lucas is Australian and Brandon is Korean... But he uses his second name. I need to be unique ;3;

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