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Hey Ann


Hey Jier

Oh, can't you be more kind? It sounds so harsh. 🙁


I'm sorry but I think that can't happen at all

I am 100% sure it's not that hard

If you think so 🙄🤐

Your hair looks really good today. Someone helped you get these done?

Do you mean my braids?

Ofc they look hella lit 🤧😍


Awh you smiled! Your smile should be seen more often. It's adorable ☺

Oh, I hate that you can see me...

Are you in any way possible... Flustered? 😲🤞

No? 🙄 you're thinking of yourself too high
And stop chuckling so loud, the teacher might hear you

You're scared I'm gonna get myself into trouble?
That's so sweet of you! You're caring for me!
My heart is overwhelmed now 💖💖

You know... She almost got you a few minutes ago

But she didn't. Did she?

You're risking too much

I am doing it for sake of texting with you. You're risking too 😝
I'm not the only one using the phone while the worst subject of this school with an even worse teacher

I thought biology was entertaining for u

Not at all...
It is my most hated subject ever

And your favourite?

Try guess 😋

Ugh 😒
I'm rolling eyes on you 😫
Idk maybe p.e?

I can say I like it but it's not my favourite

Maybe... Languages?

That's definitely your favourite subject

Uh... It's not🤗
I have better interests

Like ignoring everyone in this school besides your best friends and me?

😒😒 I am offended
I meant music class but never mind

Even though it's your favourite subject I can consider it as you guessing right MY favourite subject


Do you like music?


Never thought of someone like you... Like music

Idk if it's an insult

It's not! 😨😰
But you're with Erica at music class

Yeah... I would rather be with you
Actually, I am her partner
Like, can she shut her mouth?

I think she can... For 10 minutes max

Oh my god...

Gl 😂😂 with her after this class

What do you have? After this class

Me? I am ending 😘

Ah what a shame I could walk you home
Nvm ttl

Yup ttl 😉

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A/N; Joyful reader,

I may or may have not fully rewrited this chapter, because of how shitty it was... By this, I am convinced this is definitely my biggest weakness. And the worst time when it shows is in texting... (Like this, and it's only because my mind can't fully focus and be original and make it entertaining enough.)

My best song for writing chat with Jackson and Ann is 'Love it' from Got7... If you heard it you may agree with me it's a cool song

Also, I've been ultra down with my mood today (Tuesday) and I think it will not be better until Thursday. School is literally draining everything from me. And I feel it will be repeating till the end of this school year. So I apologize... (I think you can relate.)

Also, I like this A/N thing in a letter for you... I'll definitely stick to that.

And I don't know if it's only me, but I can ONLY FULLY concentrate in the shower. Only there I can think about all of this. And my other books. (You should check them out, they are not as bad as you think they might be... :3)

With that, I am saying goodbye. I was rambling again. I will try and be more entertaining with my notes later. luv u


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