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"Jackson?" Ann called, entering his home office, smilling brightly. It was Saturday and Kai was at his friend's house, having a sleep over. 4 Years passed like flowing water and Kai was now 7 year's old already. It was kind of unbelievable.

Ann was now employed as a music producer. Helping bands and singers with their songs. Jackson still handling the Wang's Company. Media already knew how Ann and Kai looked like. Being publicly shown at Kai's 5th birthday on a company party.

Jackson looked up from the pile of his papers on his wife. "Yes?"

"I have awesome news." She laughed while coming inside his office. Jackson put down his pen, facing his wife as she was standing right in front of him. All the time she was holding something in her hand and Jackson wasn't sure what it was. But when she handed it to him, his eyes widened in surprise. He quickly grabbed it, gasping, switching his sight from his wife to the pregnancy test in his hand. Once again two lines, indicating Ann's pregnancy.

This one being truly wanted and planned. "Really?" He whispered in shock, as he looked up, he saw as his wife had tears in her eyes nodding. He jumped from his chair immediately, spinning his wife in his embrace, kissing her, after placing her back on the ground. "God I wasn't so happy in such a long time." He laughed while caressing her cheek and hair. "It brings me some nostalgia." He chuckled and kissed Ann once again.


"The heart beat is very strong... Oh! Wait a minute." The doctor doing ultrasound to Ann had his brows furrowed in confusion. Kai holding his mom's hand tightly, Jackson standing behind him.

Short after two heart beats were heard. Making Ann gasp in shock, her mouth wide open. "Here, you can hear two heart beats... I would love to announce to you, that you are bearing twins." The doctor smiled.

"So I will have two little siblings?" Kai asked while watching his father. "Yes little man, and you will need to be their big brother so if they need someone you will be there for them, okay?" Kai nodded eagerly, smiling widely.

After the day he got to know he will have a sibling this was the best day of his life. He was more than happy to have one sibling, and now he will have two? What if they will be boys? He will be their bigger brother, that will cause fear, so his brother's won't be bullied! Or what if they will be girls? He will be their prince in shining armour!

All of those thoughts were running through his mind. Clouding it, his own heart beat very fast.

Similar thoughts had both of his parents, thinking if it will be a girl or a boy. Both boys or girls.


"Mom! So what is her and his name?!" Kai came rushing to his mother's side the next day after his mom gave birth to his little siblings. Girl and a boy to be exact. The girl was born earlier then the boy, making her little older.

The two babies were now sleeping soundly in their mother's arms. Kai's father hushing him before he could wake them up.

"Okay so, this little baby here. Is named Grace."

Kai made a little aww as she wiggled in her sleep, opening and closing her mouth.

"And this little guy here is named Alex."

"Can I hold them?" Kai asked eagerly. He was like an overexcited puppy. If he had tail it would be wagging behind him widely and nonstop.

"You big boy, wait a year and you will be able to hold them, okay? We don't want anything to happen to your siblings and you." Jackson said to his son who slumped a bit, but perked once again as he saw Alex, his baby brother opening one eye, and then another, blinking, opening his mouth. Cries escaping immediately. Jackson got hold of Grace and sat down onto the chair as his wife shushed Alex back to sleep."

"Come here Kai. Stand between my legs, you will hold grace and I will help you support her fully okay?"

Kai beamed and walked to his dad, ready to hold his little sister.


"Kai! Alex! Stop running around so fast you will hurt you will hurt Grace!" Ann shouted at her sons. But it was useless the two of them were still and constantly running around the living room, Grace giggling at them as they shot from imaginary guns, that were their hands on imaginary creatures, trying to protect their queen, which was, of course, Grace.

"Honey, you should calm down, look. They are still careful, nothing will happen to her or the boys. Erica with Henry and Tommy will come shortly and Joseph with his wife Sarah too. Brandon and Lucas will come tomorrow as they couldn't make it today."

It was going to be Grace's and Alex's 5th birthday and they were in Italy for a vacation, paying for their friend's air tickets.

Ann sighed. Stopping in chopping the water melon. "It's just... All of them are just growing up too fast. Look at Kai he's already twelve. Grace and Alex will be five. Joseph and Sarah will be adopting a baby soon too. Tommy is ten already it's just... The time flies so fast I think I didn't enjoy our children childhood enough..."

"Honey, in my opinion... Everything that happened so far with the kids and without the kids was the best thing in our lives. And I think that even tho time flies really fast, we were able to give them the best childhood ever." Jackson whispered giving a peck on her temple. "Sit down I will finish this." He smiled at her as they shared a quick kiss, earning "Ewwwww!" from their kids. The five of them laughing together.

Jackson, Anna, Kai, Grace and Alex Wang... Full and happy family.



So not many of you registered, but I started writing a new story with Jackson. It's kinda different, but I think you'll be entertained the same.

Consider looking, also biggest thanks on the number of reads guys, you make my day. ❤️ As for my English is not awesome, the cause is that it's my 2nd language. I am very very grateful for y'all. ❤️


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