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Hows things going sis?


What do you mean?

What do you mean?... Yikes girl
That you don't wanna mess with me Jackson Wang
Who do you think I was talking about?


No idea Erica

Something is up, isn't it?


Not at all

Hey I know you bish
Tell me
Something must have happened
At the party


I am right!


Yeah 😒

Tell me what happened babe

Okay... So...
Me and Gee

You and Gee... That...
Doesn't start as bad as I thought! 👌👍

😒😒 are you really curious about what happened or not?

I am! I am!
Continue, please

Right, so you know I went to him
I was like about 2 blocks away from his house
And he texted me that Thomas is there

Right... That's the thing upset you right?

Not at all🙁
It was that when I arrived I asked for a hug and beer

From Thomas?!!!

Nooo!!! Wtf Erica?
Ofc from Gee!

So what's the matter?

Well after some time I couldn't handle it there while Thomas was winking at me all the time and throwing flirtatious looks

I see...


So I went to Gee's room to have some... Air

Air 😂😂😂😂
Yikes 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I am laughing so hard right now oh my god
😂😂😂😂😂 sorry continue

😪 right so I was bending over the railway
And guess who appeared there 😫

Gee? It's his bedroom after all


No, if it would have been Gee I would be really really glad
Hell even if it would have been fucking Jackson I would be happier
It was Thomas 😷

Oh my God what he did

As I said I was bending over the railway my butt was stuck out... For his full view...
As I am thinking of it I should have locked the room...
He grabbed me but and his dick pressed against my butt
Like... Sorry but I've never felt that disgusting
It escalated to him pressing me against railway trying to kiss my face off
It felt more likely him vacuuming my face off
He was clearly drunk and I couldn't get him off of me
He started touching me and ripped my t-shirt...

Oh... I'm gonna murder him when I see him this bitch
Anyways what happened, next darling?

Thank god Gee went to get something and saw us
Thankfully he knows how much I hate Thomas so... Thomas got in a fight with Gee
After that Gee threw him out I borrowed his shirt and asked other people to go home
After that, I got some weed from my purse and we smoked...
Yeah and I slept at his place

Oh, baby, I am so sorry to hear that
But you're okay, right?

Ofc I am... Just a little shaken, but okay

And what about Jackson
I feel like he gots some hots for you

Well I am not interested in getting into his pants right now neither I am interested in dating him
He's the same
Like everyone else

But something tells me he's not
I feel like it
Trust me

Okay I hope he's not like all the boys now
But if he is I am not trusting your feels ever again


School's Whore | Jackson Wang AU ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ