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Jackson and his friends were in the cafeteria. It was lunch and every student in their year and year above was having a meal.

"Ann looked really upset in the first period once she saw Thomas. Like really, really upset." Lucas said while slurping his lemonade. "Yeah... Also, did you see Thomas? He has a bruised cheek and cut lip. He was avoiding eye contact with everyone. He looked only at Ann." Stated Henry. It wasn't long after Joseph swallowed his bite and intruded into their conversation. "She was throwing daggers at him with only looking at him.

" I saw she slapped him on a cheek while he was trailing behind her like a lost puppy, trying to stop her. " Jackson looked up from his sandwich and looked at Brandon with one eyebrow lifted.

"It's true! I heard some girls that were saying something happened on the party George was holding. They said Thomas wasn't invited and Ann couldn't stand him. Then she went upstairs and Thomas followed her. After George find out that Thomas wasn't anywhere in the house. I mean... On the first floor, he furiously ran upstairs. But no one knows what happened next. "

All of them watched Brandon while he was playing with his phone on the desk. Not bothering to spare a glance to anyone at the table. He continued, "The next thing was that Thomas was thrown out of the house by George and they were... It looked like they really got in a fight. Then Ann went to all the people in different clothes and asked them to go home. "

"Hmm... I am curious what happened. " Lucas said nonchalantly. "Yeah me too. " Sighed Joseph and everyone looked at him with raised eyebrows. "What? She's pretty and funny too! "

"You have a crush on her! Don't you? " Henry laughed while pointing at him. Joseph shoved him playfully, as a little smile crept onto his lips.

They were talking while Jackson was in deep thoughts. He saw it too. Everything actually. Ann's looks on Thomas, his pleading eyes, that slap... He was curious about what happened. But also worried.

Thomas is that kind of guy that wants to get in Ann's pants. Nothing else. After he claims it he will throw her off like dirty socks.

He admires Ann for everything. He hears those not so quiet insults. And still, Ann doesn't give a fuck about them. If he was in her boots he would go crazy in a little time.

She has 2 best friends. Still, she is smiling all the time. Even though that crazy girls are harassing her she just shoves them away. Nothing more. Nothing less.

She's head over heels with them. And he likes that.

To him, she seems carefree. Ambitious, single-minded, loyal, caring, fair-minded... She is everything in his eyes...

And yet, he can't figure out her inner self. What she is hiding behind her walls. Behind those walls, she made because of things that happened to her.

And he wants to find out. He needs to find out.

"Hey, Jacks." Lucas waved his hand in front of his face. "You zoned out again. Is something bothering you? "

Jackson shook his head. "Nah am fine, don't worry. " He smiled before going back to his sandwich, listening to his friends, while eying one person.



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