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Jackson and Ann sat at the dining room, eating dinner. 9 months were already wrapping up and the two of them were just waiting for the baby, probably a boy, to give  a sign of his graceful, yet painful entrance to the life.

After long conversations with Jackson and Erica, Ann decided she wanted to keep the baby. Like Erica said, it was best for her and the baby too.

The pregnancy itself wasn't much stressful, the two of them already had a room for the baby instead of Anna's room. New wallpapers, colours on walls, crib, wardrobe... Everything the baby would need was all prepared.

They didn't get married yet, but Jackson's parents knew right after Anna decided she wants to keep the baby. Jackson's mom was rather happy to be a grandmother so early, but his dad had some doubts. Yet they soon faded when he heard the two lovers talking to each other in the hallway, about telling them they will get married after the baby will be born.

"Are you feeling alright honey?" Jackson asked, eyeing his fiancée carefully. Ann shook her head in agreement. "Everything's fine really. You don't have to stress so much Jacks." She giggled rubbing gently her stomach feeling the baby kicking her. "I think the baby heard you, it just kicked." As Ann brought up her gaze, she was met with a wide smile of her fiancée. "Let's go to bed, shall we?" Jackson asked, standing up, putting the dishes away. Helping Ann stand up, the two of them carefully shuffling into their shared bedroom.

Jackson was more than gentle to Ann, being ready to grab anything and help her everytime she needed to.

As the two laid down onto the bed, Ann shuffled to be more squished on her fiancée. "I love you." She kissed his cheek, resting her head back on the pillow linking their hands as Jackson covered them and turned off the light.

"I love you too." She giggled right away as Jackson put his large hand gently on her stomach, kissing her on the lips.

The two of them soon doze off to a deep slumber.

But it wasn't a deep sleep for longer than 2 hours as Ann woke up with immense pain, feeling wetness on the sheets. She shook Jackson's arm trying to steady her breathing.

Jackson woke up, his brows furrowed as he blinked many times to see his fiancée holding her stomach, breathing rather irregularly.

His eyes shot open as he scrambled off of the bed bringing all the necessities in their bag to the hallway. Grabbing slippers, a warm coat with a hat and helping Ann get into her trousers. Jackson ran to the elevator, letting Ann sit on the bed while he tried to grab all the things he needed along taking his coat and boots.

The elevator's door dinked as they opened, Jackson rushing to it, pushing the button many times, rushing right back to Ann, helping her stand. Walking her slowly to the elevator, letting her wait there as he grabbed the bag, his phone, wallet and car keys.

The two soon entered the car, Jackson helping Ann with everything as she was breathing quickly, counting seconds of her contractions.

Jackson drove all the way to their hospital, being the CEO of the company his payment was rather high so they could afford a private room and other things.

As they reached the entrance, nurse came rushing to them, helping Ann sit on the wheelchair. Asking Jackson some questions as they made their way to their room that was temporarily theirs. Jackson called 2 weeks before the day they were expecting the baby would arrive, making sure everything was settled up.

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