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Ann was silently watching the stick that was in her hand. Eyes brimming with tears, her heart beating fast in her ribcage. Every thud reminding her that this is a reality. She sat on the cold tiles of their bathroom. Her knees close to her chest as she was still staring at the stick in her hand. She just couldn't believe it, she couldn't understand how and more importantly she didn't want to believe what she was just seeing. It couldn't be happening. She just payed all the debts of her father. Her life was turning on the right side again, she was happy with Jackson. How could this happen? When? She didn't know. How? That was her deepest question and that answer knew only god himself. And she was afraid beyond belief.

How will she manage to raise a baby? She doesn't know much about babies. She didn't have a younger brother or sister. Her childhood wasn't the happiest, she didn't know what to do. Her thoughts were spiralling around the deep and scary past. Memories of her painful childhood flashing before her eyes. She didn't want it. She didn't want a baby. She wasn't ready. She wasn't mentally ready. So why now? She and Jackson were just fresh out of high school. She was a waitress at the café and he was a new CEO. They couldn't afford raising a baby. Sure they loved each other, but did they loved each other enough to have a baby?

The tears in her eyes finally spilled. Running down her cheeks in slow motion. Gliding across the smooth skin and once they were at her jaw, they dropped right on her knee. Making more and more dark spots over her jeans. Her lips trembled, lump forming in her throat. This couldn't be happening. She repeated in her head trying to persuade herself that this is just a bad dream and she will wake up right in the arms of her lover and no baby will exist. No baby that is slowly growing in her stomach. No mistake trying to ruin her life.

A quiet sob escaped her throat as she dropped the pregnancy test on the ground her hands going to her hair, pulling at them desperately. Trying to wake herself up, trying to end this unbearable pain. She wanted to run off. She wanted so much to make herself wake up from this horrible dream. 

But she soon realised it's just a horrible truth and that the thing in her belly is her and Jackson's soon to be baby. She will be mother and he a father of the yet unborn baby. They aren't married, and they slept with each other only 10 times... She was on pills and he always used protection. She just couldn't come to another state just because she swallowed his cum. There was no way of this. There was no way of him getting her pregnant by eating her out, that's just not the way.

"I fucking hate my life..." She muttered to herself, anger rising in her insides. She wanted to scream. She wanted to rip the thing in her belly out of her. She didn't want it. She wasn't ready and it was a mistake that shouldn't be ever made! They used protection, they were careful! Why her? Erica and Henry were trying for a baby but she did not want one! What if her relationship with Jackson won't work out? What then? She will need to move out. Find another flat, start from the beginning, new work, new problems, new debts. Baby on her throat. 

She just couldn't handle that. She couldn't keep the baby. It will ruin her life for sure. She banged her head on the wall behind her few times. A dull pain spreading at the back of her head, coming down her neck. Her head started throbbing, due to the tears that were still falling down her cheeks and hitting her head repeatedly. She scrambled to her feet, the pregnancy test long forgotten on the floor beside the counter where the sink was. She stood infront of the big mirror, looking at herself in disgust.

"How could I ever get to be pregnant. Me, that filthy bitch that was going to sleep around with guys just to get money. A true whore. Is this always how the girls like me end up? Pregnant?" She snickered sarcastically. "It must be it... That wouldn't happen if I wasn't one of them." She muttered dragging her feet to her bedroom shutting the door, slouching onto the bed. Curling under the blanket, her eyes shut tightly. She just wanted all of this to end. All of this pain. All of this misfortune. She wanted a normal happy life. Not be backstabbed everytime everything would turn out the right way.

School's Whore | Jackson Wang AU ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن