Togemon in Toy Town

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"Beating me, Tk? Yeah, I don't think so." The older blond teased, laughing at the younger boy.

"So, you don't miss anything from home, Matt?" Tai asked.

"Well, actually now that you mention it... I've been dreaming about Sundays. When mom grilled us steaks and Raya would make her famous chocolate cake. Mmm! Makes my mouth water."

"So, you're dreaming about Raya?" Tai teased, making the blonde blush furiously.

"I miss going my homework." Joe said, "If I fall too far behind, I might have to go to a junior college."

"I don't miss school." Mimi said, "But I do miss going on vacation. Nothing beats having a cool drink on a summer day at the beach! I just love the ocean air."

I smiled amd laughed as everyone kept talking about their lives back home.

"Get a grip." Izzy said, "I miss hacking into satellites to look at the stars."

We all sighed, thinking back on our home and what we missed the most.

"What about you, Raya? What do you miss the most from home?" Joe asked.

I thought for a moment before saying, "I miss my mom and dad. But mostly, I miss everything about Earth. The air, the waters, even the noise of the city."

"They really do come another world." Agumon said.

All of a sudden, we heard something grumbling from down the sewer pipe.

Looking doen from where we came, we sae a bunch of green blobs running down the waters.

"Numemon." Gabumon said.

"What's a Numemon?" Tai asked.

"They're disgusting digimon that live down here in the sewers." Gomamon said.

"That's gross." Tai said.

"And so are they." Tentomon added.

"Are they really strong?" Tk asked.

"No, they're weak but smelly just wait till they get closer."

"Then what do you say we leave?" Joe said.

I held Luna closer to my chest as the Numemon ran faster and faster.

We all ran down the sewer pipes, when they began throwing things at us.

They threw pink globs of slime straight at us. We turned down to the left, but the Kumamon continued to follow us until we came to an exit.

They retreated from thr bright sun screaming.

"The only thing that's able to drive them off is sunlight." Agumon informed us.

We walked away from the sewer pipes and walked for miles without a break, when we spotted something very interesting.

A field full of vending machines.

"There must a thousand of them!" Mimi gasped.

"I'd say under a hundred." Joe said.

"Or maybe even just fifty." Izzy commented.

"How did they get there?" Tk asked.

"I'll bet there's enough snacks to last us a lifetime, at least." Mimi said.

"Mimi, they probably don't work." Tai said.

"Yeah, Mimi. Remember the telephone booths? I think this could be a trick." I said.

"Listen to Raya, she's ususally right about these types of things." Luna said from my arms.

But, like Mimi does, she ignored reason and rushed to the vending machines with Palmon not too far behind.

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