Chapter 2 - Suspend Me

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The creaking of the swing echoed in Billy's ear as he listened to Brenda rant about something that happened to her. He couldn't concentrate on the one thing he cared about. Something ticked in him. Everything in his life just felt different and there was no immediate cause.

"Anyways, then Denise came back and she was only talking about Peter for the rest of the period and it was so annoying," Brenda complained.

Hearing the mention of Peter snapped Billy out of his trance.

"What about Peter," Billy asked, confirming he wasn't paying attention.

"I just said this. Denise is really into Peter and I don't like it. I don't trust Peter," Brenda reiterated.

"Neither do I. Something's off about him," Billy agreed.

Billy knew what he didn't like about Peter. He was rude, he smelled bad, he was annoying and knew how to get on his nerves. He didn't want to put up with someone like Peter. A delinquent.

"Hey," Billy interrupted Brenda talking, "I have to go home."

"What why," Brenda asked, with a disappointed look in her eye. This was the only time Billy and her got to hang out after what happened with their parents.

"It's almost 3 A.M. If I wake up 'looking tired again,' my mom's gonna freak," Billy admitted. He didn't want to leave Brenda, but he had too much on his mind and he knew he couldn't focus on her or anything and he just needed to go home.

Billy walked up to her and kissed her lips. He pulled away after ten seconds and started heading back to his house. His house was about a mile from the park he and Brenda meet up at. They picked one almost equidistance from each other's houses, so they'd both sacrifice about a mile of walking. Billy'd much rather just take his car, but risking his mon hearing it all and ending up getting grounded was a risk he wasn't willing to take.

The crickets chirping around him made the walk home peaceful. The blinks of light from fireflies made it pretty. It's all he could really appreciate from a crappy day.

The bush across the street started shaking. Billy jerked his head towards it and it stood still. He continued walking and he heard the bush move once more. He turned his head and saw someone hide. He started walking towards the bush only to be scared by someone he didn't want to see.

"Did I scared you," Peter asked, after jumping out from behind the bush and screaming.

"In your dreams, spaz," Billy responded, rolling his eyes. He tried to pretend like he wasn't scared, but his heart was still racing from the initial shock.

"Sure, what are you doing out here best buddy," Peter questioned, knowing calling Billy "buddy" would make him mad.

"Walking home," Billy answered, clenching his fists so tight that he felt like blood was going to be drawn. He started to continue on his walk back home.

"Walking home from where," Peter questioned, following Billy.

"My girlfriend's. What's with the third degree? Can I help you with something," Billy snarked.

"Nothing at all. I'll see you tomorrow Billy," Peter smirked, walking off in the other direction.

After Peter left, Billy took note of how much cleaner he smelled. He was wearing completely different clothes than the ones he wore at school today. At least now Billy knew that Peter's odor was a choice.

After a mile of walking, Billy finally made it to his doorstep. He walked up to his front door and tried to be as discreet as possible. His mom was sound asleep as he trudged through the house to his bedroom. He got to his bedroom and started removing his clothes. He took off his jacket and shirt but left his undershirt. He also took off his shoes, socks, and pants, but kept his underwear on. He plopped himself down on his bed and stretched. He did not want to go to school tomorrow. Not only because he wanted to avoid Peter at all costs, but he'd rather be anywhere besides school.


The whole drive to school Billy was quiet. He didn't have much to say. He rarely took Brenda to school, on a count of her parents, but when he did they'd talk the whole drive there.

"So, are you like, okay," Brenda asked, worried about her boyfriend.

"Yes. Why would you ask that," Billy snarked back.

"Jesus, calm down. It was just a question. You seem out of it," Brenda consoled. She'd never seen him like this. Billy was the first person she'd ever loved. He'd been there for her always.

"Sorry. I'm fine. I don't know, my brain has just been off recently," he responded.

Once again, the drive was quiet.


Billy walked into first period after walking Brenda class. He was distraught at the sight of Peter in Sarah's seat. He made eye contact with Sarah, who was three chairs behind Peter.

"Sorry," she mouthed with pleading eyes.

Billy walked to his seat annoyed. He didn't want to interact with Peter. More bullshit. Bullshit he didn't want to partake in.

"Hello, buddy," Peter spoke, in a sing-song voice.

Billy just ignored him.

"Excuse me? This is no way to treat your best bud," Peter jabbed, trying to get on Billy's bad side.

Billy clenched his fists, just trying to tune him out.

"Rude bitch," Peter chuckled.

Billy stood up out of his chair and turned to Peter. He looked Peter dead in the eyes, causing Peter's smirk to turn into a look of fear. Billy lunged over and made his fist come into contact with Peter's head. Billy walked over his desk and stepped right next to Peter, who was on the floor and kicked him three times in his side. Sarah jumped out of her chair and grabbed Billy's hand. She pulled him out of the classroom and took him outside the building.

"What the fuck is your damage, Billy," Sarah shouted.

"That loser was pushing me to the edge. He was asking for it," Billy shouted, trying to hold back his tears.

"He was doing it to get a rise out of you. You gave him exactly what he wanted," Sarah reiterated.

"Fuck this," Billy cried.

He walked back into the classroom to grab his stuff. He went to his desk, catching a glimpse of Peter on the ground and started walking out.

"Where do you think you're going young man," Mr. Crutchfield questioned.

"Home. Suspend me, expel me, I don't fucking care anymore," Billy snapped.

He looked over at Peter one more time. He was out cold.

Billy stormed out of the school and finally let the tears fall. He just wanted to be home. He didn't want to be near anybody anymore. He just wanted to shut everyone out.

1987 [BoyxBoy]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora