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i look at the ceiling, quietly. trying not to move so i can finally fall asleep, the wind howls as it hits my bedroom window. i realised how much of an impact this whole 'soulmate' bullshit is. i'm just counting down the days until i see a name tatted on my tanned skin and i was dreading it, what if i don't get a name? what if-- my thoughts are broken off by thunder crashing in the heavens.

i let out a sigh, it's no use to worry. keep up your monotonous facade for a few more days, sam, you'll make it. i hear my parents move around outside my room and the lights under the door go out, i sigh again, hoping that this time, i'll finally receive the sweet sense of slumber i deserve.


"sam!" my mom calls for me downstairs, "get your ass out of your bed so you can go to school!" i manage to clamber out of my bed and i calm my hair to get it into a beanie. i wringe on some jeans and a grey sweater. i hurry downstairs to eat my breakfast, my parents roll their eyes as they see me hastily trying to eat a sandwich. i wave goodbye to my sister, my parents and our dog before running to the bus.

"oi, fucker!" my friend, jake, raises his hand to wave at me, "over here!" he has a name already on his skin. i keep my face as calm as possible as i slide next to him.

"what's up, fag?" i flip him off, chuckling silently, "hey, dudes," i nod my head in the direction of my other friends, leo and kyle. the doors hiss close as we drive the next stop.

"surprised you didn't ask where craig is," kyle clicks his tongue, "you always do that," i narrow my eyes as i notice to what he's hinting at.

"if you're talking about the fact that craig is my 'soulmate' you're chatting shit," i respond, "there's no way--"

"hey guys!" craig exclaims sliding next to leo, "hey sam!" he smiles again, i roll my eyes facing jake who's wiggling his eyebrows.

the school bus stops at the school and everyone piles out to their groups, "so," leo catches up with me, "hosting a party are we?" leo is probably the kindest and richest of my friend group and we usually take advantage of him because of that, but at least he's there for us. i shake my head.

"i don't do parties," i dig my hands into my pockets as we walk to class which i know i'm going to skip, "and don't invite me or anything," leo rolls his eyes, sitting down next to me.

"come on, it'd be fun!"

"yeah for you."

"fuck you, party pooper," leo flips me off, i think of a good comeback but i bite my tongue, "you never go to parties or host them, it's going to be fun, let yourself do something for once in your fucking life."


i see leo and sam arguing about something but i can't quite make out what. ruth pokes my arm, "craig? you good?" he asks me as i turn to him.

"yeah fine," i hum as i answer, "just wondering what leo and sam are arguing about again," ruth raises his eyebrows as he looks at me.

"don't you ever feel that you think and worry to much about him?"

"who? you mean sam?"

ruth hums, grinning at my reaction. my face flames up.

"but--, well yeah, i guess."

"it's fine, craigory."

"but he's going to have his soulmate revealed to him in a couple of days, what if i'm not his?" i freak out, "my birthday's a couple of months away what if it's not him and i don't know that person?"

"woah, craig," ruth fans my face, "calm down," not only did i just reveal to someone that i have the biggest fucking crush on sam tucker, the sam tucker, but that i also want to be his soulmate? just play it off, craig.

"didn't you get the innuendo?" i ask him, he tilts his head and i bite the side of my cheek, "okay."


ruth already knows his soulmate, which is the sweetest kid in school. jake already knows his soulmate which is roxanne in our calculus class, leo is still sixteen and so is kyle. i look over at sam and i catch him looking at me, i smile and he looks away which makes me feel my face heat up again.

"why don't you tell him?" jay speaks up as he scratches a dick into his desk, "you can't keep on staring at him for the rest of your life."

"shut up, jay," i respond, "it's not like we'll be each other's soulmates."

"look, i'm 17 and i've got a name revealed to me who isn't in school."

"shut up, jay, you're going to make him spaz out again about the fact he wants the sam tucker to be his soulmate."

"wow, craigster, is it that serious?"

i roll my eyes to the remarks of my best friends as i pray that the rest of the day will go by fast.

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