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Dinner was fucking horrible. Yes my mom is an amazing cook but i'm honestly not feeling it. "mom can i go for a walk?" i say looking through the window, playing with my food. "10 minutes, no longer" she answers to my surprise. I nod and stand up, grabbing my hoodie from the chair. Lana looks at me confused but I ignore her stares. I step outside and close the door behind me as the cold air hits my skin.

I begin walking round the corner when I see 2 familiar faces. "Yo lucy" one of them shouts. It's my old friends Mike and Jack. Before I went to rehab we used to party hard all the time together and let's just say, we did some illegal shit. I walk over to them smiling "hey" I say as i reach them. They look at me smiling, "damn we thought you died or something bitch" they say playfully hitting my arm. "Do you guys have anything?" I ask them. I know i really shouldn't be doing this but to be honest I don't really care. "I got you" Jack says discretely passing me a small bag of drugs. I thank him and get one out of the packet, swallowing it hole. "I better get going" I tell them giving them small hugs before walking back to the direction of my house. The closer and closer to the house i get the more dizzy i am becoming. I don't really know what's happening to me, was there something in the drugs, am i just not used to them anymore?.  I collapse onto the floor and sit hugging my knees. The world around me spinning quickly.

"Lucy?" I hear my name being called. I look up and see a blurred Lana coming towards me with another guy. She kneels down in front of me and holds my face in her hands, looking straight into my eyes. "Lucy what have you taken?" She asks, i don't know if she's speaking quietly or it's just me but i can barely here her. "I don't know" i whisper. "Brad help me get her to the car, I can't take her home like this" Lana says and tries to pull me up, Brad comes round to the other side of me and puts my arm around his neck pulling me upwards. I'm sorry but who the fuck is Brad.

The drugs are slowly beginning to ware away but I still feel like shit. I take my phone out of my pocket and begin to call Jack. After a few rings he answers the call. "Hello?" i hear on the other end of the phone. "Dude what the fuck did you give me" i say, slurring my words slightly. I rub my head as it starts to ache which Lana seems to notice. "It was meth luce" He replies and laughs a bit in nervousness. As soon as the words hit my ears i go into complete shock and anger fills me body. "You gave me fucking methadone?!, you know i don't do that shit, i don't wanna fucking die" I say angrily down the phone and then end the call, not bothering to hear his reply.

My breath starts getting faster and faster as i begin to panic and i begin sweating drastically. "hey shhh calm down your gonna be ok, we will take you to Brad's mom she's a doctor she can see if your ok" Lana tells me, climbing into the back seat from the front. My panicking starts to get worse, "no no I can't go to the doctors, my mom can't know this happened, I don't want to be sent to rehab again please" I tell her, my breath still heavy and my hands shaking. Lana comes closer to me and quickly pulls me into her body, wrapping me in a tight hug. "listen to me, your mom doesn't know, i told her your staying with me and we're having a girls night, we're not going to the doctors we're just going to her house, people won't find out about this i promise you" She reassures me. I nod and begin to calm down, i really hope that this will be ok.

We arrive at Brad's moms house and he parks the car outside. We all get out of the car and Brad puts his arm around me to help me inside, whilst Lana gets the door. "Brad, Lana what's going on?" a woman says as we walk in, i'm assuming she's his mother. I look around the house and it's huge, these guys are definitely rich. "everything's fine, but some guys have her methadone and she took it, we just want to make sure she's ok" Brad tells his mom. She widens her eyes and comes over to me, taking me to the chair.

She puts her hand on my forehead and frowns. "Your very cold darling" She says placing a blanket over me, which i thank her for. The woman walks over to her cupboard and gets out a bag, she walks back over to me and pulls out all her equipment. First of all she checks my eyes, then my temperature, then my heart beat and my lungs. "What's your name honey?" She asks me, putting everything back in her bag and zipping it up. "Lucy" I tell her, my voice now less shaky. "Well Lucy, your ok, your temperature is slightly low and your heartbeats fast but that will go as the drug starts to flush out of your body that will go back to normal, one of you just keep an eye on her tonight" She says looking at Lana and Brad.

"We will, thank you Maggie" Lana replies and Brad thanks her as well and gives her a hug. We all say our goodbyes and head back out to the car. "Who's he?" I whisper to Lana, who sat next to me, I point to Brad in the front. "He's my boyfriend, i've been with him for a year" Lana whispers back. I look out the window trying to hide my confused face from Lana.
I swear she just asked me to kiss her and she told me i'm beautiful. What the fuck. I also can't tell if I'm disappointed or not.

my little secret ; lana del rey (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora