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Lucy's PoV

Later on we all go back to our rooms, I get a knock on my door. I answer and see Lana, she sees me and smiles. "I'm not marrying him" She tells me. I look at her really confused as she comes into my room and shuts the door behind her. "What are you talking about?" I ask her. Lana walks over to me and puts her hands on my cheeks smiling. "We agreed that we're going to focus on my career for now instead of saving and planning and paying for a wedding we're investing in my singing instead" She tells me and then shows me her hand which no longer has a ring on it. I sigh in relief, i'm really happy. "I love you ok, don't worry" She tells me and kisses my forehead. "i love you to" I reply. She looks at me and smiles widely and pulls me into a kiss.

I pull away and smile. "I'm gonna go to bed ok" I tell Lana. She kisses my forehead. "Sleep well beautiful" She says lastly before leaving. I turn the light off and get into bed and fall asleep quickly.

It's morning now and i'm sat by the pool again with everyone getting my tan again. Lana keeps trying to put suncream on me or hold my hand secretly but i'm trying to keep my distance for now. Last night was hard and i'm trying to enjoy my holiday not be fucking sad. I open my eyes and lift my sunglasses off my face, seeing the guy from last night walking over. He stops in front of me and sits on my sun bed smiling. "Oh hey i'm sorry about last night I wasn't in the mood" I say quietly so the others can't hear me through there headphones. I sit up and lean on my arms so I can see him better. "It's ok, I was just going to say, if you want to do it again, come find me my names harry" He says and kisses my head before leaving. That was really weird but ok and Lana doesn't look happy but oh well. I shrug to myself and put my headphones in and sunglasses on and sunbathe again. My sister takes my headphones out of my ears and looks at me. "Dude how are you so tanned" She says pulling the side of my bikini bottoms down slightly so she can see my tan line. I take my sunglasses off and look at it, i didn't actually realise i was that tanned. "Look at me i'm red" She says pointing to her shoulders. "omg your so burnt" I laugh and poke her shoulder and watch it turn white and then red again. "Like literally you get a fit body, like you have abs and everything and you tan, and i just get burnt and gain weight after every single thing i eat" She says and sighs. I laugh and so does Lana who's sat at the side of us listening to us. "She's hot isn't she" Lana says putting her hand on my stomach admiring my abs. "i mean she's my sister so that's kind of weird but yeah she is" My sister says and sighs again before walking back to her sun bed. Lana's hand is still on my stomach leaving my feeling cautious. Brad walks over laughing. "What are you doing" he asks lana smiling. Lana looks at him and smiles, "i'm admiring her abs, why don't you have any" she says jokingly. Brad shrugs his shoulders and laughs, "I like chocolate to much" he admits.

"I'm swapping relationships, goodbye" Lana says and lies next to me on my sun bed, holding my hand. Brad opens his mouth and acts fake shocked, "how dare you" he laughs, making Lana laugh. Meanwhile i'm still getting shivers from Lana feeling my stomach up, like is she trying to frustrate me cause we can't do anything together. Lana rests her head on my shoulder and puts her arm across my stomach cuddling into me. I let her stay like that for a while but then move her arm. "Hey your gonna give me an arm tan line on my stomach" I say seriously. Lana laughs. "Sorry baby" she says and closes her eyes resting her head back in my shoulder and resorting to holding my hand instead. Why is she doing this?. I sigh and just leave her too it. I put my sunglasses on and lana gives me one of her earphones so I can listen to music with her. Let's just say I fell asleep again.

I'm awaken to cold water being dumped on me, Lana sits up automatically and starts shivering. "Wake up lovers you've been asleep for 2 hours" Brad says holding a bucket. What a dickhead. I lie back down again close my eyes ignoring him. "Lana get her up we're going for lunch" He tells her. I open one eye behind my sunglasses and see her smile, fuck sake. She jumps on me so now she's right on top of me, like her bare skin is on my bare skin. She's doing this on purpose. She lifts my sunglasses off my eyes and smiles. "Wake up gorgeous" she says sitting up so she is now sat on me. "I can't get up your sat on me" I tell her and try to push her off but she pins my hands down. All the others have gone inside my now so it's just me and Lana. She looks around and smiles probably making sure nobody can see her. She then leans down and kisses me softly before pulling away and getting off me. So much for trying to stay away from her, she makes it hard for me. I get up and dry myself with the towel, before folding it and putting it in Lana's beach bag. "I'm alright going for lunch with just my bikini on aren't I?" i ask looking at Lana seeing she's got an oversized t shirt on which covers her bikini bottoms. "to me your fine, but put these on I don't want that guy seeing your amazing body, that's just for my eyes only" Lana says winking, handing me my shorts. I roll my eyes and put the shorts on, leaving the top of me just wearing a bikini top.

my little secret ; lana del rey (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now