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lana's pov

at one moment i was going to the bathroom and in the next i was kissing him. It happened so fast i can't even explain how it happened and now i let it happen. i've fucked up badly and i don't know what to do.


Brad pushes me against the wall and kisses me hard, wasting no time to insert his tongue into me and but his hands on my butt.

I can feel his dick rubbing against my area through his pants and it's making me feel sick. He is being very forceful right now and i hate where this is going.

I feel a person barge into me, pushing Brad away from me. Thankfulness aches over my body but it is soon turned to sadness when i notice who the person is.

"Lucy?" I say, widening my eyes. She looks at me with sadness filled in her eyes, individual tears falling down her soft cheeks. I hurt her.

She shakes her head at me in disappointment and runs out of the bar. I try to follow her but Brad holds onto me. "Let go" I say angrily.
"she's just a college girl lana" he says with a smirk on his face. I push his chest as hard as i can and he goes tumbling into the wall.

I quickly run outside to look for Lucy but she is nowhere to be seen so i decide to walk to the hotel.

Once i get down the main road i turn left on the street the hotel is on and there is Lucy just entering the building. "Lucy!" I shout and she looks at me and continues walking into the hotel. I chase after her through the corridors until she reaches me her room and slams the door behind me.

I grab the spare key out of my bag and unlock the door. She frowns at me, realising i have the key still. She has stopped crying now and just looks tired and stressed.

Slowly, she walks to her bed and sits down on the edge ignoring my presence. I follow her and stand in front of her legs, kneeling down so i am at her height.

"Lucy i am so sorry baby" I say. A tear falls down her face, breaking my hear into pieces. I feel my eyes tearing up now too.

I wipe her tear with my thumb and she continues to stare at the ground next to me.

"Lana please leave" She says softly, not showing her upset or anger. I shake my head, refusing to leave her. I don't want her to break up with me and i don't want her to be sad.

"i love you, it's only you not him. I fucking hate him, he's ruined my life twice now" I tell her, now putting my hands on her knees.

"I know you hate him and i know that you never wanted this to happen. But it did happen and i know how sorry you are but you just need to give me some space. I'm not breaking up with you but please just leave me alone, i can't get that picture of you and him kissing out of my head" she says finally looking at me, but then looking back down straight away.

I nod understandingly and stand up. Slowly i lean down and kiss her cheek where her tears are and turn away and exit the room.

I feel so fucking horrible.

my little secret ; lana del rey (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now