"If you go back, she'll never let you leave. She may even kill you." I snorted, but she didn't find it funny. "I doubt that. I'm still her mate. Plus, she doesn't care. I saw them mom, wrapped up together. He was-," I stopped, biting my cheek so hard blood spurted into my mouth. Images of Elizabeth and her husband's connected mouths and roaming hands would be forever imprinted on my mind and heart. My wolf had snapped, nearly feral. Had it not been for Elijah, I was sure I would've killed them both.

"I know." My heart hurt, tears spilling down my cheeks. I tried so hard to keep it together. But now I had the weight of an entire race on my shoulders, and it was too much. I allowed myself one good cry as she wrapped her arms around me. Then I would never cry for Elizabeth again. I sucked in a deep breath of her scent, just in time to spin around as Owen stumbled groggily through the trees. He wasn't paying attention, so he hadn't seen us yet, but he was entirely too close. I panicked, turning to her, shoving her away, but it didn't work. She seemed hell bent on staying put. "He can't know!" I begged, gripping her arm. "It'll break him. Please." She slowly looked down at me, a pain filled moan catching in her throat as she barely caught sight of her son before she leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead as she slipped away, silent as a ghost.

"I love you." I breathed, even though she was already gone. Wiping my eyes, I listened to the comforting sounds of the river and my twin's footsteps stumbling towards me.

"Hey sis, you good?"

I pasted on a fake smile as I turned to face him, although the second my eyes met his I knew he saw right though it. It's a "twin" thing, I suppose. His eyes went straight to my neck, flashing yellow. Though the wolves couldn't shift, having been bound by their time underground and with the vampires, it was clear that they all still had wolves within them. Owen was a royal, which made his wolf automatically more present than the others. I hoped once we reunited them with the rest of their own kind, and the forest, that their wolves would begin to surface again. I wasn't sure why out of everyone, my wolf was still present. I wasn't sure if due to the fact that I hadn't been taken with the younger wolves, or because I was currently the strongest wolf among us. Either way, it didn't seem fair, and I had taken it upon myself to shift as minimally as possible so as to not be disrespectful.

I flinched away as Owen reached forward to trace the puncture wounds nestled in the groove of my neck, having reached my touching quota for the day. Though we'd been running for close to a month, it hadn't showed signs of healing. My mother had tried to explain to me that a vampire's mark could take up to a year to fully disappear, as it was a binding element in the ways of the bond.

"I'm fine, let's go back. We need to keep moving." He nodded, trailing closely behind me as we made our way through the thick foliage.

I found Emilee immediately, allowing her to fill me in. I smiled at her, still in awe of the fact that she had eluded my "radar" as a wolf the whole time I was in the castle. I was grateful for her. The night of the High Queen's ball, her and Elijah had devised a plan to get me and my mother out. I hadn't known until later, when I ultimately refused to leave, that Elizabeth had already married and our whole relationship had been a lie. You could say that they used her marriage to spur me forward, you could say that I was a love-sick mate, stubborn and refusing to see the truth. Until I saw it for myself, I would've never believed it.

"You should shift, you know. It won't bother us. If anything it'll encourage us, remind us what we are fighting for. Plus, as our ruler, you are our protector. What better way to protect us when in your most natural form?" I clenched my jaw, feeling a wave of longing as I stared into the woods. It's been so long since I'd been a free wolf, maybe she was right. I was stronger in my wolf form, more reliable. But I couldn't deny the guilt that I felt at being the only one able to shift.

"No one blames you, Az." Emilee touched my hand, and I immediately relaxed, looking into her kind eyes.

Pack. My wolf whined.

I heaved out a sigh, shooting her a reluctant smile. "Okay. I'm putting my faith in you as my Lead Warrior, don't make me regret it." I pointed at her. She laughed, shoving me towards the woods.

"Understood, Majesty."

Being a wolf felt wonderful. To be able to scent animals as far as three miles away, digging in their boroughs. I felt stronger, powerful as we ran. Thankfully there was no sign of the strange power that had plagued me the night I escaped the place. I was terrified that one day it would come out. I strayed towards the back so I could keep a lookout if anyone came wandering. More specifically, my hellfire of a mate. I growled. My wolf was less than happy with her right now, actually no, that was an understatement. My wolf was murderous. To have shared our blood, given ourselves to Elizabeth and consummated our relationship, only to have her betray it in ways no mate ever should, was devastating. I shook my head, scenting Emilee before she appeared.

"See? Told you." I flattened my ears at her as I slowed to a jog. The breeze lifted to meet my nose, and in a big breath I inhaled a searingly sharp, almost acidic scent. The woods went deathly silent, affirming my fear. It seems Prince Ezekiel finally got what he wanted, a chance to hunt me down. I didn't allow myself to dwell on the pain as I abruptly shifted, having just enough time to gasp out a nearly unintelligible "Get them out of here!" to Emilee. Then I was back on all fours, sprinting towards my pack as I desperately tried not to crumble under the weight of the world on my shoulders.

Chapter one is up!! I'm so siked. I've been waiting for this for so long, I can't believe it's happening. Thank you all so much for your support, I couldn't do this without you! Love you guys 🥺🥺❤️

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