• thirty seven •

Start from the beginning

"So you were doubting my ability to
keep the baby safe?"

"Huh? No, I just—"

"I'm kidding Tremaine, I get it." I chuckled, walking in front of him.

"Damn..." I heard him mumble under his breath.

"Stop staring boy."

"Watchu mean?" he replied, trying to act clueless.

"Don't think I can't feel your eyes glued directly to my ass."

"I mean shit, I can't look at what's mine?"

"Yours huh?"

"Til the day I die. Matter fact, even after I die that's still gon be all me."

"Tuh, if that's what you think." I said jokingly.

"It's what I know. Speaking of which, I know it's time for you to stop playing and let me come home, so when will that be?"

I sighed exasperatedly, "Let's not talk about that right now."

"It's a simple question."

"Well the answer's not so simple. Could you at least wait until we get in the car?"

"Why you always tryna avoid shit?"

"Tremaine what am I avoiding? We are in the middle of a damn hospital, which is clearly not the place to be having this conversation. Like I said, just wait til we get outside."

"Kelly I gave you space, I gave you time to hold a grudge on me, I let you take all your anger out on me. We've been real cordial lately, so why are we still doing this? You seem like you're close to forgiving me."

See, I was trying to spare him because I knew I was about to tell him things he didn't wanna hear so I didn't wanna say them in public. But since he wants to keep running his mouth, then I'm just gonna give it to him straight.

"Listen. Just because I'm no longer angry, doesn't mean I'm ready for you to come back. Underneath all that anger was hurt and disappointment, and those feelings are very much still there. Quite frankly, I think it's better for you not to be around me while I have those feelings. It may seem like I'm almost over the situation because I started being nice to you, but in reality it's still a work in progress. I'm not gonna get past this shit overnight."

"Obviously I'm not expecting it to happen overnight, but it's been damn near a month! Don't you think that's long enough?"

"Seriously Tremaine? Did you not just hear everything I said before that?"

It's like I spell things out for him and it still just goes in one ear and out the other.

"Baby, what else do you want? I know what I did was wrong. I'm acknowledging that and I'm taking full responsibility for my actions."

"If you were really taking full responsibility for your actions then you would know that you have to face consequences for them."

"How long do those consequences have to last though?"

"Hm, lemme think... how long were you helping that bitch behind my back? Three months?" I replied smartly.

"Don't be fucking petty."

I shrugged, "Hey, you wanted me to talk so I'm talking."

"This is ridiculous. Why can't we ever discuss things without getting into an argument?"

"Because you're fucking slow in the head and it makes me lose my temper."

"We need to go to therapy." he said abruptly.

I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at him. "You been talking to Lala?"

"It doesn't matter. Either way it's true. If we can't communicate by ourselves then we need someone to be our mediator. A professional."

"I'm not going to no damn therapy."

"And why not?"

"I'm not the one who needs it. You're the one who thought it was a smart idea to be sneaky and risk losing my trust, so there must be something wrong with your brain. You should definitely see a therapist to figure it out. Better yet, you should see a psychiatrist."

"Kelly this is deeper than the Janay situation."

"It's not though. We were doing fine until you decided to pull that dumb shit. I'm not wasting my time sitting through a therapy session for something you did."

"So you're really not gonna go?"

"Hell no. Final answer."

"Well then, ain't no point in us staying together if we can't fix an ongoing problem."

"...Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"I need you to think about what just came out of your mouth. Remember what happened the last time you said something like that." I replied, my voice trembling.

"I don't need to think about anything. I'm not drunk and I'm not in the heat of the moment. I meant just what I said. Either we go to therapy or we get a divorce."

I felt my face get hot with anger and tears immediately filled my eyes.

"Are you seriously giving me an ultimatum when you're the one who caused this mess in the first place?!"

"I'm giving you an ultimatum because this is a continuous cycle and those two options are the only ways the cycle can end."

"I— I need to use the bathroom." I choked out, pushing him out of my way.

"I'll be in the car."

The nerve of this nigga. The audacity. Wasn't nobody even thinking about divorce, yet he decides to go there just to strike a nerve like the asshole he is.

Since we're already in a hospital, at least he wouldn't die if I were to beat the shit out of him. But then again, there are too many witnesses and I wouldn't do too good in prison, which is why I chose to take the high road and walk away from him.

I continued to walk around aimlessly, not even needing to use the bathroom but making an effort to calm myself down. I was walking past the oncology unit and my eyes just happened to wander inside, and my heart damn near stopped at the familiar face I saw. Why would Tim be at the cancer treatment area of a hospital?

I took a closer look to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me, and they sure weren't. It was definitely him. I tried not to jump into conclusions and assume that he was sick but judging by how thin, pale and weak he looked, it was kinda hard not to.

I couldn't believe this. My mind was racing with all kinds of questions, thoughts and emotions. This was the last thing I would've ever expected.

With everything that has happened in this short five minute period, it feels like the Lord is testing me... and I did not study.

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now