Wooyoung imagine

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Did you finish your job?

Not yet

What exactly takes so long?
Normally you're faster
Eliminate the target or I'll send someone else

He didn't reply, he just turned his phone off and put it on the nightstand. "Do you have to go?" He looked down at you, he hated himself for waking you up.

You were sleeping so peacefully on his naked chest. He shook his head a little. "No, you can sleep Darling I won't leave you alone this night."

"Okay." Was your mumbled answer as you already felt back to sleep. He stayed awake and looked out of the window with an arm around you.

His fingers never leaving your warm skin. In moments like this, he always asked himself how this could have happened.


"Wooyoung. We have a new job for you." That was something he loved to hear. New job means a lot of money, which means he can leave town for a while again. Perfect.

He definitely was in need for some time out of town because for the whole last month he was meeting a girl secretly and he could feel himself falling for her and that was inappropriate. He never fell for someone, his job didn't allow a private life and he also never wanted one.

But with her, with her he felt different. The other person in the room threw a phone at him and Wooyoung catched it easily. "You'll receive all the informations you need tonight. The first half of your money is there were it always is. The other half.."

"After I eliminate the target, yes." He nodded and left the room. He got his money and was surprised because it was, let's say a lot. Ok who are we kidding, it was three times as much, as he got for the other targets he eleminated.

He sat in his small appartment and drank a beer as the first messages arrived. His target was a girl, younger than him, but not that much younger, her father is a really important person, alright.

Some background to her father, turnes out he is an asshole and some people want to see him suffer. That wasn't Wooyoungs problem.

He did what he got paid for, nothing more and nothing less. Information about the daughter came in and he felt weird. He waited until the picture arrived.

It was you.


Normally he would have just did what has to be done but this time it was different. He knows the target and he even likes the target.

Not just liking he is already madly in love with the target. What can he do? He never told you something about his life and of course not about his job because you never asked.

You loved him with your whole heart. He was the first man you fell in love with and your first time. He knows about your father and also about all the money your family has.

He told you that he didn't care about it and you felt that it was true. You hoped he would feel the same with you.


"Wooyoung! What.. What are you doing??" you sobbed, your vision blurry from all your tears. How could everything turn out like this? How could the man you love turn out to be a killer?

"I never loved you." His words broke you, you didn't even feel the bullet going through your chest.

You just fell down and looked down. All the blood, is this how dying feels like? He came closer to you, not a single tear leaving his eyes.

He sent the picture to his client, the picture from your lifeless body.


It's done

Gladly you realised that it's better like that
You can pick up your money in 30 minutes
Same spot as always
Destroy the phone now.

I'll bury her 

He let the phone fell down and broke it. He picked you up and lied you into the back of his car.

30 minutes later he picked up the rest of the money, he didn't even check how much it is, he knew it was a lot. He left town and he never stopped. Miles away he got his second car out of an old garage.

He drove again without a stop but after hours he had to fill the tank. He stopped at the gas station and looked back at you. "What now?" You sat on the backseat, looking at him questioningly.

Both of you got out of the car and the first thing he did was kissing you so passionately. He took your face into his hands and looked at you.

"We will dye your hair, drive some miles and burn your clothes and papers. I got you some new ones. Then we can go wherever and do whatever you want."

You smiled at him. You never thought your life would change like that. You fell in love with a contract killer who got the order to kill you.

And he fell for you. You never thought twice after he decided to tell you about his plan, to fake your death. You wanted nothing more than to leave this awful town and your father.

God you hated your father, you know why people wanted him to suffer, you wanted the same. And now this is what you'll get, he will suffer about your loss. "I want to marry you." 

"I would love to do that. Come on, let's go."

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