Hyunjin imagine

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"Come ooon. It's time, let's goooo! Mooove mooove mooove Y/N!" You laughed at how energetic your boyfriend was. You two had a day off and decided to drive to the next waterpark.

He loves waterparks, maybe more than he loves you, but you're okay with it. You love to see him happy and excited, exactly like right now.

"Okay, where do you want to go first?" Hyunjin took your hand and dragged you halfway through the park before you two end up in front of a pretty high ride.

One of the vehicles came down and the people in it screamed excited. You gulped a little. Okay, you never thought there would be some rides SO HIGH.

You weren't afraid of heights, you just.. didn't like them. "Is it okay for you Sweetheart?" You looked at your boyfriend and nodded with a smile on your lips.

"Of course, you're with me so I feel safe." He blushed a little and you giggled before you two went into line. Luckily it was a week day, so the park wasn't that full and you didn't have to wait long for your turn.

You sat in front of him and he held you close. You felt your face heating up. Hyunjin and you were new to the relationship stuff, you were best friends for years before he fell in love with you first. He told you how he felt and you decided to give it a try and went on some dates with him.

Your feelings for him changed and you two couldn't be happier about it. He was your first boyfriend ever, so it was all so new for you, but you loved it and you love him. He hugged you a little tighter, taking you out of your thoughts. You looked around, you were on the highest point already.

"Oh god.." You mumbled. Hyunjin put his chin on your shoulder. "It's okay, I am here with you." Just a few seconds later you went down and both of you screamed loud, yours was a mixture out of excitement and fear, but it made unbelievable fun.

You two were soaked in water but it was worth it. After you went out of the ride Hyunjin stroked some strands of wet hair out of your face and you smiled at him.

He leaned down to kiss you. You can say it was the best day ever.

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