Felix imagine

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Please don't tell me you forgot
You really forgot it, huh?
Wow and you can't even answer.
Thanks for nothing, really.
The movie started 15 minutes ago. I'll go home now

Felix is calling you

You declined

He tries it again.

You accepted at his fourth try

Hey Y/N


So you don't talk to me, okay.
Can you tell me what movie?
I mean, what were you talking about?

I think we should stop seeing each other, Felix

Wait, what are you talking about?
Wait what happened?
Did I miss something

You hung up

Felix went straight to your home. He didn't know what was going on, did he really forget something? Did he miss something? Did you maybe have plans today?

To be honest, he was playing a lot of games the last week, it was just raining the whole day and you had a lot to do with school stuff. It started to rain and Felix was drained in the rain as he reached your door.

He knows your parents always work late and that you're home alone. He rang the doorbell and waited for you to open it, which took you some minutes.

"Y/N!" You opened the door and looked at Felix and sighed but you let him in.

"Please, hear me out. When I missed something, please tell me. I am playing a lot of games, I know I missed some calls the last days, but.. What about today? And I don't want to end our relationship. You.. You mean a lot to me. I don't want to lose you."

You looked at him and felt so bad. He ran through the rain just so you'll hear him out. You got him a towel first before you started to talk.

"We wanted to see a movie together today, in the cinema. I waited for you." Oh god love I am so sorry. I... I really am so sorry. God I really forgot about it. I was playing with some friends, that's why I didn't see your messages earlier. Would you forgive me, please?"

He smiled at you and you couldn't help but laugh. You stroked his wet hair out of his face before you nodded. "I'll forgive you. But never forget our dates again!"

He grinned like a little child as he hugged you close. "Never, I promise."

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